SOUL MATE: Ah, now that is a conundrum. How do you attract one? How do you make peace with one? How do you become one?
LOL! Become my soul mate?

Why? Well, when you become your own soul mate, you will attract your s or your existing relationship will be better.
First step to becoming a soul mate is to love yourself including everything in your life.
ENERGY COCKTAIL: Today notice one thing that is good about one big thing you do not like in your life.
It will feel like you just drank a fresh energy cocktail right off the tree of universal mind! Ummmmm!
SOUL MATE Attraction Story
Here is a little story about attracting a soul mate. My older sister fought to find her soul mate for many years.
She hated this about her life. She hated being alone, without her soul mate partner. Guess this was part of her soul purpose: to find her soul mate and marry him.
Well she finally did. After she gave up the fight to find her soul mate, after she LOVEd her life exactly as it was, her soul mate mysteriously appeared.
He was the man she had been engaged to marry at 20 years old, but had to end because of parental disapproval (aka Romeo and Juliette). Thirty years later, after both had experienced unsatisfying marriages to incompatible partners, they ran into each other.
They are happily married now for over 10 years, having started in the latter part of their lives.
SOUL MATEs! Ah, the mystery continues.