Soul purpose is your golden nugget. Find yours and all of life makes sense, becomes magical and is filled with passion and prosperity.
SOUL PURPOSE: Your Identity Is Sacred
Did you know your soul had a plan for this life time for you? Did you know that when you identify this plan you will have the golden gift of this life time?

You would have completed your soul contract.
Soul Purpose is everything to your healing to happiness.
Today I did a few readings. Two women had the same issue, but very different life stories. They both were dealing with a lack of self definition.
The first client had an issue with love relationships. She created and continued to attract men who tried to consume her identity.
The second client had an issue with loneliness, purpose and work. She did not know who she was, never married, did not have children and had no identity.
Both of these issues can be healed by focusing on Dharma. What did they come to earth to do this life time? What is their soul’s mission or purpose?
When you can find that purpose, you then can align with it, allowing you to gain meaning to your life, and correct an inner sense of bankruptcy.
Most emotional unrest, dysfunction and co-dependence happens when you do not know what your soul purpose is.
So how do you discover this?
Very simply (and perhaps overly simplified) YOUR PURPOSE IS HIDDEN BEHIND YOUR BIGGEST PROBLEM this life time.
If you had a systemic issue of others railroading your identity, this would be your purpose. Find your identity and live it to the fullest.
If you had a systemic issue of not knowing who you are, your talents, or self identity, this would then be your purpose.
Your soul purpose is as well related to the type of work you will do this life time, your Dharma. When you know and then begin your service, from your unique challenges as a human being, all relationships, even those with money begin to fall into place.
You can become more prosperous on many levels.
Client one’s purpose was to be a healer. She naturally did this in her personal life with others, but spirit told her she could build a healing component into an executive service business she ran. This would heal her!
Client two’s purpose was to create her identity, then help others find their purpose. So, for example, if she decided to become a novelist, the themes that could run through her novels would be finding identity.
Purpose can be woven into anything you do. It is the theme of your life, not the story.
Soul purpose is probably the most important thing you will ever learn about yourself. Pay attention to finding it.
Your problem is your soul healer, leading you from list less to life lived, well on your path to Self Actualization in all areas.
There is something very magical about soul purpose, as well. Your soul purpose contains an energy field within it which leads you along your path.
Helping clients find their soul purpose is the core of the work I do as a Spirit Medium and I feel is my most important service I can provide this life time.
Why? Because it has been my biggest problem.
Spirit Medium Laura
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