SOUL PURPOSE: Tremendous Power
If you would like to activate the tremendous power of your SOUL PURPOSE you need to stop hating your life right now. Yes, right now.

Why? Because the supernatural power of spiritual law cannot work with you if you are in the energy of hate. Hate is a state of resistance.
The Law of Non Resistance states you will remain stuck in a condition so long as you resist it. So you have to right now begin to send each and every situation you are in that you hate, LOVE.
How do you do this? Well, first think of all the reasons you could love it.
I work with a client who is in a wheelchair and confined to work from home. The only work she has been able to find is something directly apposed to her natural gifts and talents.
She absolutely HATES her work. This has been a tremendous block in working with her. How can spirit work with someone who feels stuck in a situation, without any options?
SOUL PURPOSE: How to Start Loving What You hate?
Well, you can’t love what you hate theoretically, but you can
1. Find what is good about it and be grateful for that. For example, my client is grateful to have the job to pay her bills, because social security disability pays less money and she cannot make ends meet with it.
2. You can visualize yourself in the situation in a quick image and send in pink light over it. Yes, pink light has tremendous power to heal. It stands for unconditional love.
So in this situation my client should visualize herself crying at her computer doing the job she hates (that’s where she does it) and then send in pink light over herself. Without even trying she will “see” herself transform and heal, lifting her head and going back to work, knowing her job is good and something even better is coming.
You cannot attract what you love until you love what you have.
God bless!
Spirit Medium Laura
This is part of the Soul Purpose Magic Coaching Program channeled through Laura. This program will create millions of Soul Purpose Magic Certified Coaches who want to help others grow, work from home and feel they have limited employment possibilities due to life circumstances. It is a program channeled from spirit to help and heal.