Quick Reference Guide: Holistic Business Success
L.O.V.E. Means:
Love Your Problem –Your problem is your power
Open Acronym Solution to this problem.
Voice the solution about this solution to others
Engage Sales – Sell the solution to close the business
Holistic Business Success :
1) Love Your Problem. This is your Niche, Best Client, client’s biggest problem and your systematic solution
a) Your Problem is your Power is Your Prosperity The magic of your soul purpose is behind your problem.
i) Remember to be practical: Teresa, Angela and Cassie.
(1) Funding – didn’t have enough funding.
(2) Start Slowly – rented space before having income.
(3) Focus on your business, not partying. Partied instead of worked.
(4) Pay attention to cash flow, etc. – Ignored warning signs.
b) Area of specialization? Your life’s biggest problem will be your business focus. This is your life’s work. Soul created it for a reason.
i) Do a meditation to get quiet.
ii) Write down your life’s obstacles.
iii) Write down your day dream for your life.
iv) This is your business specialization.
c) What do you now do?
i) Coaching, massage therapy, diet counseling, counseling, psychic reader, energy healer, hypnotist, etc.
(1) Take your current business and specialize it on the solution to your life’s problem.
d) Your Best Customer is you with money! So think about yourself and what you need.
(1) Age range, problems, history, where to find
(2) If you need help with this, set up private sessions with Laura
2) Open Your Acronym Solution. Create a Niche, Take your BIGGEST PROBLEM as defined in Step One above and then create an ACRONYMED SOLUTION.
a) Example 1: Massage. Niche: Lower Back pain.
i) 3 Step LEP System:
(1) Lighten your weight,
(2) Exercises that help the lower back,
(3) Massage for muscle support.
b) Example 2: Coaching. Niche: Find soul mate over 50 using spiritual law of attraction.
i) 3 Step “LOVE” system:
(1) Let Go of the past
(2) Open yourself to love.
(3) Vision board to align your vibration
(4) Entirely receive what arrives
c) Example 3: Hypnosis: Niche: Eradicate menopause symptoms without hormone replacement therapy
d) “HAPPY” Menopause:
i) Hypnosis & Holistic supplements
ii) Awaken to Meditation
iii) Play, have fun! Do what you love to do!
iv) Physical exercise
v) Yam– wild yam cream
e) Example 4: Coaching. Niche: “YES” System for Relationship and Sales Success.
- Yes, “I understand.”
- Empathize with them.
- Suggest a solution.
3) Voice the solution.
a) Network – I have found my best clients have come from meeting individuals face to face rather than any other way. Networking can include public speaking, trade shows or any way you meet individuals face to face.
b) Public Speaking –
i) IMPORTANT – probably the most important thing you can do to promote your business. You become the authority on the subject.
ii) Find places to do public speaking either locally in person, abroad or virtually on radio, Tele-classes, or webinars over internet, etc.
(1) Places to find speaking engagements include:
(a) Meetup.com – create your own meetup, too.
(b) Rotary Club
(c) Chamber of commerce
(d) Holistic local newspapers – find other meetings and offer your speaking services about your system. Ex. Natural Awakenings.
(e) Small, medium and large corporations
(f) Radio shows over Internet or on air.
(g) Internet or local partnerships –
(i) Find a complimentary business to yours.
(ii) You speak at their event or they speak at yours.
- Each build your mailing lists.
- Mutually cooperative.
(h) Trade shows.
(2) Contact 3 new speaking prospects a week.
(3) Do one to three live speech a month, depending on your schedule.
(4) Retail establishments like New Age book stores, Health food stores, spas, etc.
iii) Public Speaking Coach. If you are not good at public speaking get a public speaking coach. An excellent one is Amondarose Igoe at http://highperformancespeaking.com
iv) Lower cost public speaking training can be afforded through Toastmaster’s International. http://www.toastmasters.org/
v) Public Speaking Special Price. Offer a “back of the room” sales to encourage people to sign up as client’s right then.
(1) FREE – many individuals offer FREE client sessions to boost their sign up rate. This works! Try it.
c) Get published. Write about your system and get your articles published on and off line. Publish one a week.
i) Publish your articles to your website, ezinearticles.com, Facebook fanpage and Twitter with keyword phrases in them
ii) Send to your mailing list (more below) weekly with special offers.
iii) Create an e-book on your system.
(1) Use the Acronym Solution as the outline and content for your E-book. Add content to the book through client stories, and other helpful information.
(2) Create a juicy FREE report about your system from the e-book
(a) Gets people to join your mailing list.
(b) Offer FREE report at end of articles in resource box about the author.
(c) Offer FREE report on Squeeze Page where your email list sign up form exists.
(3) Make juicy report into a speech with the highlights of this system.
(4) Create other products in support of your system, such as DVDs, MP3s, supplements or whatever products you can sell.
d) Industry trade shows.
i) Get a booth for visibility
ii) Become a key note speaker for enhanced credibility and visibility.
e) Create a mailing list.
i) At each event you should capture names of prospects
ii) Your website should have a “squeeze page” for mailing list capture form. A squeeze page is a page with nothing else on it but a form to order the “free” report so you can build your mailing list.
iii) Good mailing list programs include aweber, icontact, constantcontact.com. The best one for large lists is aweber.
f) Volunteer
i) Find and create ways to volunteer to build your mailing list and voice the solution further.
4) Engage Sales
a) Internet
i) Website:
(1) Simple approach. Go here and find a simple website solution for small business. http://www.webhostingfreereviews.com/10-best-website-builders-3/
(2) Or hire a website developer to save time and money. Heather LaCroix is an excellent and reputable one. Her website is http://www.studiothirdeye.com
(3) The name of your website should be your business name.
(a) Your business name should be the phrase people use to find your service on the Internet. Ex. If you are Massage for Lower Back Pain, then your website should have that name.
(b) Internet Marketing purposes you should buy a URL using the phrase people use to find your business. Check out Internet marketing section for more information about buying website names that are good for marketing.
ii) Need a squeeze page too. This was covered above.
iii) Credit cards. Get validated by http://www.Paypal.com or some other payment system so you can take credit cards.
(1) http://propay.com This service allows you to accept credit card payments with one flat fee a year. This is very good cost savings as compared to Paypal rates.
b) Internet marketing
i) Your website name. Besides using the name of your business as your website name, Internet marketers usually will buy an internet website name that has a high search to competition ratio. If you need help with this you may contact Laura or an Internet marketer for advice. This is very complicated and involved to do. Here are the basic steps.
(1) Use Google keyword tool to find a keyword which has over 1500 searches a month.
(2) Go to 1and1.com to see if the keyword is taken in the .com, .net or .org version. You should not see other type of website names..
(3) Test with http://www.TrafficTravis.com (free version of this software) to see if your domain name can go to first page of Google. Download free version of this software then run a test against your keyword phrase to see if you can get it ranked on page one of Google. It will pass the test if
(a) There are <3 top level domains in top ten spot. A top level domain is a .com, .net or .org with no sub page.
(b) There are no Page Ranks > 3 of competing pages in top ten spot.
(c) There are a relatively low number of backlinks to the competing pages.
(d) The Title, Description or H1 Tag are not utilized (ie red X in those columns).
ii) Local Internet Marketing. List your business on Google, Yahoo and Bing local directories.
(1) Just Google to find the website for this registration.
(2) Follow instructions there to list your business.
(3) IMPORTANT: This is probably the most important listing you can have on the Internet for local business.
iii) Place FREE ads on Internet. IMPORTANT.
(1) Do a search for your keyword in Google for both local and non local.
(a) Get into all the directories that come up when you do this.
(b) Update this once every month to three months as the directories change.
(2) Do 3 a week at a regular time so you do not forget.
(3) Here are some that came up to begin your campaign. The ones I am seeing bring in listings are the Yellow pages. Go for them first.
(a) http://www.google.com/places/
(c) http://www.bing.com/businessportal/
(d) Craigslist
(f) http://www.B2yellowpages.com
(g) http://findlocal.sun-sentinel.com/
(h) http://www.merchantcircle.com/corporate/
(i) Healers: http://local.naturalsolutionsmag.com
(j) http://www.manta.com
(k) http://www.thumbtack.com (free to register, fee paid when hired)
(l) http://local.botw.org (best of the web local)
(m) http://www.dailymotion.com (upload a promo video)
(n) http://33446.zipslocal.com/
(p) http://www.yellowpages.com/
(q) http://www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org
(r) http://yellowpages.aol.com
(s) http://www.yellowusa.com/Add_Your_Business.cfm?continue=1
iv) Place fee ads on Internet
(1) Ebay. Only works with low priced ads.
(2) http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/Natural-Awakenings/Advertise/
v) Facebook, Twitter – keep posting links to your articles or newsletters when you do them. Software will now automatically do this for you (http://www.icontact.com ).
(1) Invite to events
(2) Put your mailing list subscribe form on Facebook
c) Selling Products
i) Create and sell products for your system. These can be information products like meditation MP3s, DVDs, but also any type of product that is in support of your system like nutritional supplements.
(1) Sell on your site, at trade shows and at speaking events.
ii) Sell other people’s products from your website.
(1) Amazon.com is an excellent way to generate extra income from books and products related to your system.
(2) Cafepress.com sells customized products like t-shirts and mugs.
(3) Google Adsense ads on your site makes additional income.
iii) Sales Skills – L-O-V-E your prospect. Laura is available for sales coaching. She has 17 years software sales experience and has been trained professionally by corporations such as Microsoft.
(1) Learn the situation. Ask questions of your prospect to develop rapport and learn about their current situation.
(2) Open the problems. Identify the potential and implied problems the prospect has from their situation. State back these problems to the prospect to get them to agree and to have them realize you understand them.
(3) Verify their ability and interest to resolve the problem. “If I offered you a way to resolve your chronic weight loss problem holistically would you be interested?” Listen and respond.
(4) Engage Agreement to resolve their problem. Move forward in the sales process.
d) Create a lead referral system.
i) Your best customers will come from referrals. Create a referral reward system from your customers. Ie., refer 3 customers and you get a free session or product.
ii) Find complimentary referral partnerships and use these to offer referrals. Ex. A hypnotist might partner with a psychic.
iii) Join a business referral group.
iv) Always have your business cards handy and offer generously.
v) Wear a piece of clothing with an intriguing code or message on it. Can be ordered inexpensively using http://www.CafePress.com. Ex., “Finally Heal Your Back Pain” or “Your Soul Mate Secret” or “Menopause No More.”
(1) Place a removal sign on your car.
5) Keep growing your business with new systems.
6) Rinse and repeat.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com.