SOULMATE: The Supernova Soul Mate

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SOULMATE:  The Supernova Soul Mate.  Your supernova soul mate is a surreal, supernatural experience created by your soul to complete your service to humanity for this life time.

Last night I cried before I went to sleep over the loss of xx.  XX is like my long lost love just like my father was my mother’s long lost love.

After the break up of my mother and father, my father never married again.  He became like a lost soul, empty inside.

My mother stuck her mind to the grindstone and worked as much as she could to bury her feelings and get on with life.  She died of lung cancer, commonly an area linked in a mind body soul context to unrequited loss of love.

Even though my mother married again I believe she never got over the loss of my father.  Years later she still did not want to see him at family gatherings.  Very similar to myself and my long lost love.

This long lost love, the supernova soul mate, is a phenomenon.  Others have experienced it, written about it and died from it.  It is more than a soul mate.  It is a Supernova Soul Mate.

Today I would like to explore it a bit, even do a bit of channeling on it, to see if we can gain some insight into how to deal and heal it.

The Romantic Love that Never Could Be.  Why?    Like the Woody Allen movie, “Vickie Christina Barcelona,” this is a type of love that you never recover from, never forget, and  holds within it such passion, you do not want to either.

Not everyone experiences it.  You will know this by your friends’ comments as you languish in labor over its loss years later.  Others will think you are crazy, so then you cease to speak about it.  You simply hold your sadness inside.

If you are old enough you might know about this love from the stories of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.  They always seemed to be in love but never could get along.

Then there was Frank Sinatra and Eva Gardner.   Of course everyone knows of the story “Romeo and Juliet” or “Anthony and Cleopatra.”  The common thread is passionate, forbidden love leading in some way to devastation.

SURREAL.  When I was in the presence of my Supernova Soulmate, time would stand still.  I would feel like I was in another dimension, like I was floating on air.  The experience is surreal, larger than life, magical, mystical and mysterious.

It is like crack to the addict, but it is NOT an addiction.  It is something else.  Can I call it love?  Not sure for there usually is a lot of conflict.

No matter how many times this Supernova Soul Mate disappoints you, you go back.  No matter how difficult it is to be with your Supernova Soul Mate, you try again.  No matter how much you know you are doomed to fail, you continue.

So if you are having this Supernova Soul Mate experience the first thing to do is to NOT talk about it with your friends.  They will not understand or be sympathetic.

Why?  Because more than likely they have never experienced it.  As I mentioned above many of us have had love, but a Supernova Soul Mate, not many have experienced.

Seek friends who do understand or seek solace with spirit, prayer, God.  For me this has been the only way to cope with a situation that at my advanced age, after all I have been through, loss of my wealth, rebirth into this profession, regularly speaking to my guides, deceased loved ones for clients and experiencing miracles, even after all of this, I still am stumped by my loss of love.

So I am going to do some channeling on this today to see what my guides have to say about this.

Dear Spirit Guides what is this type of love?  Is it something different than a soul mate?  Who are these Supernova Soul Mates?

We are here.  They are the type of love you will never forget for you do not want to forget them.   They are here on earth as your catalyst for growth.  If spirit has created a plan with you for your life time, the supernova Soul Mate is there as a back up plan, made by your soul to complete your mission on earth.

Each of you have come to heart to heal in some way.  Your Supernova Soul Mate is your catalyst for healing.

This person is there to help you grow.  It is different than a Soul Mate in that A Supernova Soul Mate as you like to call this person is there only if you fell off your life path.  Only if you kept making choices that took you away from the one you love, God.

God is there to help you heal.  God is there to help you grow.  Your Supernova Soul Mate is your connection to God, he is your soul’s plan in action in this life time.

This is why when you are with your Supernova Sou mate you will feel different, like you are in another dimension of God, love and light.

He or she is there to awaken you.

When you feel this person it will not be like others.  It will feel superb.

Not everyone experiences this type of soul mate because not all are ready for this type of growth. 

Pray for your Supernova Soul Mate for he or she is in need of deep love and healing too.  It is not all about you and how you feel.

You are there for his or her growth as much as you are for yours.

We have said two times above that not all get or have a Supernova Soul Mate.  The reason is that you are a different being than the others.  You have come to earth to heal and help.

So if you are feeling or experiencing a supernova love life it is because you are off track.

Go back to your work.  Begin to share your experiences with others.

Help others as much as you can.  Then the situation, the supernova soul mate situation, will heal itself.  It will be healed over time.

Do not focus on the soul mate in question, focus on your work, your purpose, why you have come to earth.  Find your service and serve.

Then the supernova soul mate will cease to exist.  This person will become more like others to you.  He or she will fade away in importance as you ascend to a higher or new vibration of service.

Only those on earth who have chosen a life of soul service to humanity this go around will experience the Supernova Soul Mate.  This is how is it different from other soul mate experiences.

God Bless.  Amen.


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