Communicate With Spirit Using Soul Talk Art. No art skills or tools required, but artful messages are miraculously delivered from spirit to you!
Soul Talk Art is easy, fun and magical!
SESSIONS: This is similar to getting an artful tea leaf or coffee grind reading. This method can be done in private session with Spirit Medium Laura via Skype. If Laura does this for you in session she will take a photo of the art and text it to you. If you want to do it with Laura’s guidance, please be sure to have your supplies (easy to find, listed below) for your minimum 30 minute session on Skype. Book your session to communicate with spirit HERE.
This is the closest thing to something for nothing I have ever found. Imagine this:
- You throw a little paint and water on a smooth surface like glass.
- Use a spatula to evenly spread it. (Spirit begins to create a message.)
- Place and dab a flat piece of paper over the paint. (Spirit continues to create a message using your dabbing action.)
- Lift the paper.
- “Voila!” Like magic your message from spirit is revealed.
- There are NO mistakes. The way you do it is what spirit wanted. Just go with any deviations from the instructions that randomly appear.
HEALING to HAPPINESS. This can be a message from a loved one in spirit, an answer to a life question, a healing communication with a living loved one, a healing message from your soul to you, etc.
Similar to a Tea Leaf Reading in that the medium sets the stage for the message to be delivered, but does not actually deliver the message.
Spirit does the work. Spirit delivers the message through the communication mechanism you provided.
Here is a picture of what Soul Talk Art created for me using this method.
I asked for a message from my mother in spirit. My mother sent me two hearts. There is also the silhouette of a person wearing a hooded cloak in the picture!

How to Do Soul Talk Art to Communicate with Spirit
1. An intention of what you want the art to reveal, say or do.
2. Meditation music if desired.
3. One piece of 8.5 X 11 inch white paper for each SoulTalkArt you want to do.
4. A water based acrylic paint in a darker colors you like found in hobby or craft stores.
5. Flat surface like glass table top, wood, granite, ceramic or even a plastic place mat.
6. Glass of water.
7. Roll of paper towels for clean up between sessions.
8. Spatula (plastic or metal) for spreading paint.
1. MEDITATE. Get into a meditative state while listening to meditation music or following your meditation practice.
2. INTENTION. Using great focus and intensity set the intention to receive a message from spirit. Be specific. I had said, “Mom give me a message to let me know you are hearing me.”
3. POUR a 1 inch sized (2.4 cm) pool of water and 1 inch (2.4cm) of paint on the flat surface.
4. SOUL TALK ART! Spread paint and water evenly using spatula roughly into the size of your paper.
- Do NOT try to draw anything. This is the magic. Spirit will produce a sign, symbol and/or message for you!
- There are NO mistakes. The way you do it is what spirit wanted. Just go with any deviations from the instructions that randomly appear.
5. SET the piece of paper on top of this.
6. DAB the paper over the flat painted surface.
7. STOP. Stop when you feel to stop.
8. LIFT the top paper.
9. VOILA! Your Soul Talk Art is on the underside of this paper!
10. INTERPRET. It can mean anything you want it to mean, but try to link it to the intention you set at the beginning.
Spirit Medium Laura