SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: How to Boo the Boo Boo! This morning I awoke angry. Here was my list of grievances.
1. I was beginning week 4 of an upper respiratory infection that just didn’t want to go away,
2. My uninvited ex-boyfriend called yet again yesterday and upset me,
3. I was feeling very alone.
So, this morning as I sat there feeling very sorry for myself, I glared at the unflattering reflection of my moping face on the screen.
Suddenly, my attention was drawn to an invitation to “like” John Holland on Facebook, a famous and reputable medium. In this dazed mood of doom, I did.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Lo and behold! I was immediately transported to his page to watch a video about how spirit communicates with us. I loved it. It soothed and inspired me.
Before I knew it I was off writing my own piece on how spirit chose to communicate with me this day. This opened a personal insight. I was off and running.
When we get into “bad” moods, or things just don’t seem to be aligned for us, we need to switch our channels. One very good way to do this is to simply go off and do something pleasurable for fun.
When you SWITCH CHANNELS you open the door for your angelic guides or loved ones in spirit to rush in and support you!
You might get a phone call from a friend you forgot about. This person was there all along for you, supporting you in the background, but you forgot.
You might find yourself motivated to pick up a book and the page you open to reveals a personal truth about yourself, you had forgotten.
You might get an invitation from a possible resource to help you attain something you have been craving to accomplish.
So when you are upset, SWITCH CHANNELS. Put your attention somewhere new.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: You will find spirit has been waiting for this switch as their queue to slip in and help you.
Love & blessings,