Yesterday brought in a woman from spirit who opened her connection by describing to me her exotic eyes and appearance. She then showed me her long reddish brown hair and white skin.
I was a bit hesitant to report this to my blond Caucasian client as she sat before me on Skype video. I wondered what relative could she have in spirit that was exotic when on earth?
Well, later I learned the woman in spirit was of Japanese descent. She had married into the family.
I asked my client, well why did you validate the reddish hair I reported? She said because her “aunt” had died it a reddish brown color!
I also had seen blue eyes. I asked why my client validated blue eyes and long eyelashes. She said because her “aunt” had been very fair skinned!
I was impressed with my client’s astuteness. Not all clients will interpret information this generously. However, I do need to say, when they do their sessions are MUCH better for them then those that do not.
The rest of the session was extremely lucid, detailed and accurate. Cause of death was breast cancer. She had had one mastectomy, her left breast, a holistic protocol to heal, yet the cancer came back.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: This particular soul was able to give me such specific detail about her illness, right down to the breast that had been removed and where the cancer reappeared. I was amazed at this.
She had left a daughter, son and husband on earth. Her grieving husband still needed help to recuperate from the loss. The lovely Japanese woman in spirit begged my client to help bring her husband out of his grief.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: This soul was very concerned about her grieving husband and was very clear to my client to ask for help.
It was truly a privilege to witness such clarity from spirit. I am honored to do this work.
Have a great day all!