JUICY SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: How to Create a JUICY Sitting for Yourself
The more you trust what you get, the evidence spirit delivers during your sitting, the JUICIER the evidence spirit will give.
If you are not understanding or question everything that is being given, the spirit channel gets weaker.
You get less evidence. You get less JUICE!
During a recent group messages event, I worked with a sitter named Diana. During the time I delivered the other side connection, she did not seem to validate much of what spirit was saying.
As a medium this is frustrating because I know spirit never lies, but I also know if the sitter cannot give the validation at the time of delivery, the session will be severely limited and damaged.
The next morning after the session, I received a stunning testimonial from the sitter validating most of what was delivered. Apparently, it took a bit of time for the sitter to digest everything.
The takeaway from this is, the more you “get” during your session the more spirit will give you. So if Diana had understood her messages during her session, not after it, even much more evidence could have been delivered.
Spirit never lies!

Here is the testimonial.
” I am always amazed with your gifts.
Thank you for the reading from my Aunt tonight. After watching the video again it all makes sense. She had 3 children two of whom were deceased.
She wasn’t sure what happened to her youngest son and assumed he had passed. It was a big question in our family what happened to him as he just disappeared.
I feel like she was letting me know that he is living and not passed. Maybe I should look for him.
Also she was very involved with the conflict between my sister and my self. She always talked about it with me prior to her passing, but since her passing we have reconciled but have not discussed the reasons for the conflict.
And the ring – my aunt was with my mom when she gave me my Nana’s ring.
Her health: my mom said she had congestive heart failure along with many other ailments when she passed. Thank you again Laura. Best, Diana”
This reading is located about 25 minutes into this video. Here is the video.