SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: How Spirit Communicates With Us From After Life

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS.  Yesterday I went to a Cinco De Mayo party innocently enough.

Got into a conversation with man next to me as I waited to order a bottle of water. Before you knew it he told me his wife had died two years ago.

I told him I was a medium. He asked me where they go after they pass. I said they’re all around us except at a non physical frequency.

Then I began to describe how they can communicate with us from the after life. I said, “Let’s say your wife, Susan.”

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS:   He stopped me. That was his wife’s name!

Here’s how his wife in spirit had placed that name into my head. I began the sentence, “Let’s say your wife,” then I stopped, my own name popped into my head then my sister’s name (Susan).

Apparently the wife in spirit used my name association to my sister’s name to give me her name. Cute, right?

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS.   So you see they are right here communicating with you constantly! Just listen and you will hear them.

It is possible to set up a way to speak to your loved one after they transition. Just relax deeply, visualize your loved one in front of you and ask them to give you a symbol to communicate.

Whatever you get is what you should use, even if it is as bizarre as pink elephants. :)

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS.  Your loved one is just a symbol away!



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