SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: How the Divine Talks to YOU With Spirit Communications!

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS:  How the Divine Talks to YOU With Spirit Communications!

If you ever wondered if there really is a God, or at least a Divine realm, and that this realm is in conversation with you, listen up.  It is.

Lately a series of minor incidents, highlight to me the major discovery, Spirit Communications are always in effect.  It is us that have to attune to it.  But they, the spirit realm are in contact with us on a daily, moment by moment basis.

Last night I was invited to a party.  I went to it, grumbling and annoyed.  Of late I have felt a fish out of water, not feeling I fit in any place in particular socially.  Each venue, potential love partner and social event seemed sorely lacking in some way or other.

Feeling displaced from the party at hand, I left the room to return a phone call to a girlfriend.  We had a conversation about our love lives, or the lack thereof.  (big smile).

After this conversation ended I looked down to the pavement for a moment.  There I spotted a leaf shaped in the form or a heart.  I have displayed it on this page on the right.

I thought to myself, “Ah, a sign from spirit realm, that love is on the way.”  Later that night, I met a potential love partner at the party I did not want to attend!

Of course I have no idea of this potential will be anything of substance, but the mere fact my negative attitude about the “crowd” around me was just not right, was shifted in that moment of feeling a connection to someone new who seemed to respond in kind.

There have been so many spirit communications directly to me of late.  Here is a brief synopsis.

1.  I was sick for a month with a respiratory infection, starting to think this might be turning into chronic bronchitis.  My mother had that and finally died of lung cancer.

Right at that thought, I had a revelation.  My mother used to eat fennel, then stopped as she got older.  That was when she contracted the chronic lung diseases.

I felt very strongly my mother was speaking to me from spirit about fennel as a way to heal respiratory infections.  When I looked it up I found out this is true.  I added Fennel Seed in capsule form to my health regimen.  I recovered quickly and now feel fantastic!

2.  During this illness I decided to move my bed out of the line of air conditioning blasts to improve my health.  Doing this caused me to reorganize some storage in the room.

As I emptied a draw I found a lost and forgotten bottle of body lotion my mother had given me a year before she passed.  She had said as she gave it to me, “You will remember me by this,” with a strange and mysterious look on her face.

I accepted the bottle and the look without a thought.  I promptly tucked it away and forgot all about it for 12 years.  As I cleared my drawer out I found this bottle of lotion.  The scent name was called “Embrace Harmony.”

Strange thing, I had always thought the name of it was something about love.  But, no, it said “embrace harmony.”

At that instant I knew my mother was trying to tell me something from beyond the grave.  she was trying to reinforce my resent awakening about creating harmony in all areas of my own life.

Yesterday I saw the word “Harmony” on Facebook in a post a highly attuned friend of mine had made.  There it was again, the word “Harmony.”

So now I say to my mother in spirit, “OK, I get it!”  I will embrace harmony in all areas of my life from relationships to work to everything.

3.  The other day I did a spirit communications mediumship session for a woman who lost her husband suddenly.    I already knew much about the situation so the normal means of validated evidence were not possible.

Instead her husband came in from spirit and presented 5 ways she could connect with his essence and remember him.

He mentioned five distinct facts in her life I would have had no way to know.  Here they are.

(1).  She was to give their son the antique car he wanted.  I had no idea there was an antique car or her son wanted it, but this was validated.

(2)  She was to breath in the fragrance of the yellow roses, which were her favorite.  Their front lawn had many yellow rose bushes which smelled fantastic and the sitter loved to breath.

(3)  She was to listen to soft harp music to connect with him.  She said she had been taken to listen to harp music recently by a friend to get her out of the house during her grief.  It had upset her.  Her husband used this harp music as a way to validate he knew she had done this.

(4)  She was to remove the cigarettes from the table and stop smoking to help her son feel better.  He hated the fact she was smoking cigarettes again.  She validated she had the cigarettes on the table and that her son hated them.

(5)  She was to continue preparing meals for their son like the lunch she had just prepared that day for him.  My sitter started laughing.  She had indeed just prepared lunch for their son right before our session.  Her husband in spirit was trying to show her how real he was and how close he was to her.

4.  ELEANOR ROOSEVELT.  Last week’s radio show had a soul come in from other side for Nathaniel.  She said her name of Eleanor Roosevelt, looked exactly like her, said she had trouble with her legs and that Human Rights were her life’s work.

Nathaniel said he thought it was his childhood music teacher, but NO, after I looked her up I found out that it was her.  She told Nathaniel during radio show that his life’s work was about human rights and that he had better get working on it.

This is why I know this was Eleanor Roosevelt.   I posted this to Facebook shortly after the show so I would not forget.

“Eleanor Roosevelt comes in for caller to radio show today! Show is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuN7s3XorqQ&index=1&list=PLtk1y_6aDZQs2RHOiZmFtijBUHz7Vi2y0.

Note: Eleanor Roosevelt came in for Nathaniel about 25 minutes into this show. I saw her very clearly from spirit and she said she was Eleanor Roosevelt. HUMAN RIGHTS: Eleanor Roosevelt was Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of United Nations. More: http://www.humanrights.com/voices-fo…/eleanor-roosevelt.html
MUSICAL: Eleanor Roosevelt is portrayed in the Broadway hit Clinton, The Musical, 2015!
LEGS. She had to be the legs of her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt, as he was wheelchair bound.

STOLES. She said she had money and wore mink stoles as was the style at that time.

I do not think we had in Nathaniel’s music teacher. I think we had Eleanor Roosevelt giving Nathaniel a personal message about his future with regard to human rights and standing up for them.”


So spirit is constantly communicating with us, every day in every way.  It is important to reach up to this higher vibration on a regular basis to open your line of communication to the divine.

You can receive help, guidance, resolve problems, get comfort and really pretty much resolve anything with your connection to the divine.

There is a simple way to do this.  It is prayer.  Simply say hello and give thanks for that which you have and that which you desire.

Then spirit busily goes about responding, creating and communicating with you.


Spirit Medium Laura

Go to BookLaura.com to book your private session.