Last night did mediumship readings on 1470AM radio WWNN, Freddy Fixit Show simulcast live on internet TV. I have been doing live readings on show and will continue doing so there next week 3/4/13.

I was in a little room with 6 people in it. As I tried to bring in the father of one of the hosts of the show, another person’s mother in the room wanted to enter the discernment. I did not know that then, so continued to struggle to bring in the unwilling father.
Later, after the show, I worked with the host who wanted her father brought in from spirit. He did come in with much coaxing, but he explained he was not a big believer in using spirit communications while on earth and carried that belief with him to spirit.
He believed in logic to solve problems. He told his loving daughter that she needed to make a list of the pros and cons in her life before making a decision. This was the best approach to solve her issues, not talking to a psychic.
Ironically, he was saying this through a psychic to his daughter. She confirmed he did not believe nor encourage talking to spirit or a psychic while he was alive. As well, using a pro and con list was one of his favorite tools to use to make decisions!
He was a dentist and an inventor with a highly developed intellect.
The soul I should have brought in during the show was the mother of the videographer of the show. Her mother came through so clearly after the show ended it was a pity I did not get to work with her during the broadcast.
One caller stole the entire show. She wanted me to bring in her aunt who had died mysteriously while in the care of a hospital. When I brought her aunt in from spirit the first thing the aunt said was, “Do not worry how I died. I am alright now.”
Her niece, nonplussed, continue to probe about how her aunt actually died. Her aunt said she was left alone in the hospital for a while and died because of insulin shock. Her niece confirmed this was true except did not know if it was insulin shock. Her aunt was found in a pool of blood.
Consequently, the niece was still upset and wanted more details.
Finally we had to ask this be discussed off the radio show as we did not want to get into a forensic investigation from the other side on the air! Not a great thing to do on the radio.
Summary: The predominate soul will speak first and interfere with other readings until it is allowed to clear. This is why I always tell my clients to Let Spirit Lead. The soul that is the strongest then gets cleared so other souls can come through.
(This is why a lot of mediums like to do gallery style readings. They get to clear the strongest souls in the room, which communicate best, which makes them look good to the audience viewing them.)
Second take away: A soul will be the same in spirit as it was on earth. The father that did not want to come through from spirit was against psychic phenomenon while on earth and did not want his daughter relying on it to live her life.
Third take away: Not all souls can instantly communicate clearly just because they are in spirit. They have to desire to do so and have to learn how.
Well, have a great day!