Why does spirit shut down during sessions? I think it is due to being OPEN and recognizing your messages. If you do not spirit simply shuts down and leaves.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Shuts down when you don’t understand your messages

Would you stick around to speak to a person at a party who does not speak your language? I wouldn’t. It is the same with spirit.
So if you want to get the most from your mediumship session, be OPEN to what comes through.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Hidden ways we shut down communications
Some hidden ways we are not OPEN (but think we are) include wanting a specific:
- Name you recognize right then. (Sometimes a name will be recognized later. Write it down.)
- Shared memory.
- Sign you set up before the session with your loved one in spirit.
Spirit can and will at times provide this type of evidence, but you increase your chances by being open.
Recently had a client come to me. There were a few problems here and there during the discernment but he remained extremely open.
Right at the start a man in spirit presented that was my client’s friend. He accurately relayed his dark wiry unruly hair, white skin, blue eyes, his name and that he was of Irish descent.
The man in spirit then showed and described to me exactly how he was killed in a car crash when he accidentally drove down a one way street the wrong way.
This was complete to the details of how there was a combustion, he was burned severely and remained in the hospital for days until he died. The clients were in awe.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Working with spirit is NOT like going to McDonald’s and ordering a hamburger!
Another client came to me recently. I knew nothing of his loss. His wife presented from spirit immediately at making a connection. She said through me as confirmed evidence:
- She was his lifelong soul mate,
- They were uniquely suited in values and temperament,
- Showed me her simple clothing, right down to the white shirt, sweater and mid calf skirt, how slender she was,
- Shoulder length medium brown hair fuller at the ears, bangs and eyeglasses
- Visual of her cutting food to the right of her white kitchen sink which had a window over it, cabinets to the right over the counter top, door to the right wall which led to large back yard. (He couldn’t remember this.)
- She had smoked when she was younger
- How health conscious she was in her later years. She thought she had taken good care of her health and apologized to him for getting sick (which took her life)
- Showed me the country house in the mountains in the Catskills (upstate New York) that they went to,
- She passed 8 years ago (anniversary of her passing was 9 years ago the month or week before)
- Showed her bookish nature, that she worked outside the home as a teacher (he said no, then remembered she had taught English as a second language), that she crocheted and knit and had other craft hobbies, etc, etc., etc.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: After all of this, he said, “I am not sure this is my wife.”
I was shocked. It turned out he could not remember a lot of their life together. I was still shocked. Then he told me how a neighbor had brought a message from his deceased wife to his daughter. It was, “Your mother says, ‘Hello Lizzy.’” Lizzy was the nickname the mother used for her daughter.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: What do you expect?
After that I think my client had an expectation to get a nickname or name he could recognize. There is nothing wrong with wanting certain things, but when you do, you stop the flow of what you do get, thus shutting down spirit’s connection to you and what might come through.
My client took the recording of his session and had his four daughters listen to it. The next day he emailed me to say they recognized things on the recording he did not during his session. He was grateful for that.
But if he had just recognized the significance of what was being said when it was said, and not been waiting for one specific name he would probably have gotten something which would have knocked his socks off!
This is the way Spirit Communications works!