SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS – SPIRIT EXISTS. Let your heart rest securely in the knowing spirit does exist.
I used to go to seances regularly in New York before I knew I was a medium. I wanted to see evidence the miracle of spirit really does exist.
Recently I did three client sessions. They were all amazing, but one really stuck out. A young lady came to me with a life threatening heart condition.
I psychically looked at her heart and said it seemed to be leaking in the valves of the upper right area. I thought that was crazy. Who every heard of a leaky heart?
Well, it turns out her valves are leaking right in that area. Spirit was evidencing its presence during the session.
Then spirit went on to show how it would be healed, a young doctor with a beard who would heal it (confirmed as her current doctor) and timelines to get this done.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Spirit exists. Let your heart rest securely in the knowing spirit does exist.
God bless.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: SPIRIT EXISTS – PROOF AGAIN. Just wanted to share this with you so you can get the front row seat I have to see how we do continue after physical death.
The last mediumship session of the day recently was so lucid, I was physically moved. A young woman’s mother charged all over me as she came in from spirit. I could hardly even talk at first, I was so overcome with her excitement and energy.
Finally her mother spoke telling told her daughter all excited and upset that she should leave her current unhealthy relationship. I was wondering what the heck was going on.
As the daughter cried in front of me she revealed how she wanted advice from her mother about what to do with her troubling relationship with her husband/partner.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: If you ever doubt that spirit exists and that we live on, think again.
When I have sessions like this I KNOW we do. Just wanted to share with you so you can get the front row seat I have.