SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Has Been There All Along! When you pay attention you will be shocked to see the amount of spirit communications you are receiving, but did not notice. It will improve your level of awareness about yourself, and you will begin to open your dialogue with higher realms.
Yes, it is true. If your dog seems to be barking at nothing, it could very well be a spirit communication. This is true not only as an indication of a visitation from spirit, but as well, as a message from spirit for you.
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As a medium quite often someone from the other side, will say through me, “I made the dog bark.”
The sitter (one getting the messages) will often confirm this. Their dog was barking uncontrollably at exactly the time the soul in spirit said they had come to visit.
At times this communication will further be developed to mean even more, like the soul was visiting because of an anniversary or birthday.
One client of mine, had lost her husband. He showed me a cute little dog around her feet. She acknowledged she had been watching her neighbor’s dog of late as their own dog had passed.
Souls in spirit want us to know they are aware of what is happening on earth as evidence they are with us, but in different form. Quite often I will be shown a new grand child or a graduation or something of significance.
So a barking dog in your home could very well be a significant spirit communications.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: Other Ways Spirit Can Use A Dog or Other Symbolism to Send Us a Message
Spirit does communicate in other ways with us. At times it is the symbolism of a barking dog or something else. At other times it is the time of day we get information.
This morning as I moved to waking state I heard my neighbors dog barking. :)
Your first waking moment is a great time to pay attention to the language of spirit. If you were to sit at that time and journal for a few minutes, you would be amazed at the information you could receive.

Each day the information would grow and extend itself. This is the basic step to open your intuition, get guidance from your guides, and even hear from loved ones on the other side.
You might even have an idea about how to solve a huge problem you have been wrestling to solve.
After I wrote this I decided to look up what a barking dog in a dream meant, assuming there would be a synchronistic connection to my hearing a barking dog first thing in the morning.
The online dream dictionary DreamMoods.com said, “If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. ”
Hmmmmmn. That was quite true for me yesterday.
So there you have it! Pay attention to what you perceive from dawn til dusk.
When you pay attention you will be shocked to see the amount of spirit communications you are receiving, but did not notice. It will improve your level of awareness about yourself, and you will begin to open your dialogue with higher realms.
Your vibration will rise. Your intuition will open. Your level of synchronicity will increase.
Your life is precious. You are part of God’s magnificence.
Love yourself.
God bless,
Book private appointment with Spirit Medium Laura at BookLaura.com
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Thanks Tanya for sharing.
I experience these kinds of communications all day, everyday. And it’s gotten even clearer and more refined over the past 2yrs as I’ve focused on correct breathing to fix a spinal injury. This post describes exactly how I perceive the world too :)
Hi Karthik, Thanks for sharing your sacred experience. I think it is a good sign but for more specific answer need private sitting with spirit through me. Done by booking at http://www.BookLaura.com. Sending hugs, Laura
Hi Leon, Thank you so much for sharing your dream with me and the world. To help you understand how to analyze that moment in your dream I would have to be in psychic connection with you. Generally when I analyze my own dreams I look up in a Dream Dictionary the meaning of various people, places and things in it, then I meditate and journal on it. For more customized help from spirit through me, you would need a private session. If you would like one go to http://www.BookLaura.com. Sending positive vibes. Laura
Hi Laura, I am thankful to meet you in spirit. I have been led to you by guided intuition. I want to relate my experience with barking dogs. I have been dreaming about barking dogs for years especially since I was a child.
I had an experience today while walking my child in a stroller in the park.
As I was walking in the park, I had a lot of possitive thoughts of all the goals I need to accomplish in the week. I keep walking and talking to myself for a little bit. Then, I turn around and walk the opposite direction and hear a dog keep barking from a distance. This little dog left his home running and barking after me, his owner was right behind him running! I stand their to watch and see what he is going to do. Only to see the little dog fighting to try and bit me! As I have the stroller with the baby inside. I use the stroller as a barrier while going in circles to see if this little dog isn’t going to stop. He did not stop! His owner literally have to fight to hold him in his hands to bring him home. That was a moment!
Not long after while walking back to the playing ground. More dogs start to bark and running to their fence at me. I felt devastated and start walking even faster to the playing ground. So, a total of three dogs were barking at me and one attacked me.
Please help me to understand more how to analyze that particular moment with the barking dogs while walking through the park. I greatly appreciate your feedback.
I visited a temple. After darshan, while coming back, a unknown dog came near to me and started lifting front two legs and keep that legs on to me and higged me. I don’t know the real meaning for that. I offered food to that dog. Is that a good sign. Please help.
Of course, Beth. My pleasure to be of service.
Hello Laura,
Just wanted to thank you for your insight on my experience and helping me to understand it. Best wishes, Beth x
Hi Beth. I do believe when we are sleeping we have access to the Astral plane as an out of body experience (OBE). When we experience something right before we wake up it is an OBE. I have had this many times with loved ones after they have passed over. They will say something to me and wake me up. Your takeaway is that you are able to have out of body experiences perhaps easier than the average person. You might want to explore psychic development as you probably have extra talent in this area. Namaste, Laura
Hello, had the most random thing happen this morning literally just before I woke up I heard a dog bark in my left ear just one bark not aggressive just like when they’re trying to get your attention, any thoughts on this?! This has happened to me once previously where I’ve heard my name whispered in my ear one time which woke me up but no one was there and this has happened in two different places as I’ve moved xx
Hi Vikky, Thank you for sharing, but I only provide feedback like you request in private sessions. If you would like one, simply click on “Book Session” menu choice on this website and schedule. Otherwise you might want to look up the meaning of “barking dogs” in a dream dictionary for some insight. Blessings, Laura
Hi My name is vikky İ saw a dream ,in which İ saw that İ fell down on The ground because My jaket got stuck with some shrubs and İ Heard that some dogs barking noice is coming towards me.
My elder brother left me behind with crying and ram away.
İ want To know what’s The meaning of this dream?
İ got scared.
Hi Ronnie, Thanks for sharing your experience here. Perhaps you might want to do some prayer and meditation on this to see what you get about Barking Dogs. If that does not work a private session with an insightful therapist or psychic might provide some insight. Thanks for sharing.
Hi my name is ronnie..and I have heard dogs barking for the past 2 years..I would like to no what it means..every were I go I hear dogs bark.
Hearing a barking dog could mean you are receiving a spirit communication. Read the article to learn more.