English: Sami shamanic drum in the Arktikum mu...
English: Sami shamanic drum in the Arktikum museum, in Rovaniemi, Finland. Suomi: Saamelainen shamaanirumpu Arktikumissa Rovaniemellä (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yesterday had the most amazing session with a client. I saw this man around her whom I knew was a bit different but I described him nevertheless.

Dressed funky, creative, musician, with tan skin, long unruly hair, mixed race, hat, white shirt, red tie and suit made of unstructured material. He said he was a musician.

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS:  To my surprise my client said she knew who he was! He was a man she had been seeing around her house from spirit! She even dances to his music around her house!

That is the first time I ever did mediumship and brought in a person who was visiting but not a relative.

He was her spiritual guide, there to teach her she has the gift of spirit sight, to open her gift to heal. But first she needed to heal herself, he said.

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS:  He told me she had pains through body which Shamanic healers would heal for her. She was supposed to heal herself first before she could heal others.

Then he told her she had American Indian and Irish down her mother’s line. This is why Shamanic healing will be her calling. She has psychic and healing ability from these lines.

All confirmed.

I was happy, client was happy and now I am trying to calm down as another reading starts in two minutes.

Much love,


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