I love it when spirit communications reveal they are around, real and leading us!
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS came in through me in trance at yesterday’s Trance Mediumship Workshop and told each attendee what their “soul print” was. Totally surprised ALL of us!
Apparently a “soul print” is like a foot print or finger print, unique, identifying each of us. When you know your “Soul Print” you can allow on your Soul Purpose MAGIC to unfold. Very interesting.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS revealed we had at the workshop a:
1. MEDIUM. (Confirmed she is working on this.)
2. HEALER who channeled LOVE from Messianic plane using quartz crystal. (She is a therapist who loves to work with crystals.)
3. SOUL ENERGIZER. Stimulates others creativity by her presence. (Confirmed.)
4. ENERGY ALCHEMIST. Past lives as a Wicca inspire her to use energy to transmute reality. (Confirmed. She even calls others “witches” in a fun and playful way.)
5. CHANNELER. She is supposed to speak to others and heal by channeling the words of spirit to them directly. (Confirmed she channels her workshops, but looks forward to helping others more by using this gift in day to day conversation.)
6. COUNSELOR. She is supposed to counsel others just through her words in her day to day work. (Confirmed she is in a leadership position which could be supportive of counseling others.)
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