I just got back from doing live readings at a promotional event at Savannah Court Senior Living in West Palm Beach, FL.  Lovely place, lovely experience.  So much fun.

I was asked to not do spirit communications during my time with attendees, as this was God’s waiting room and a “sensitive” subject, excuse the pun.  But guess what everyone wanted?

Yep, mediumship.  So after whispering messages to the first few ladies from their deceased loved ones covertly in the corner, I finally obtained clearance.  It was then OK to do the mediumship if the sitter desired it.  Here is how this happened.

The Mediumship Session That Bent Me.  This very attractive older woman sat down before me.   She was dressed impeccably, everything matched, makeup perfectly applied, yet looked harried, worn out and sad.

As I attempted to direct her reading towards the “allowed” subjects, she kept on saying I was wrong about her.  I couldn’t understand why as this occurs very rarely when I work with spirit.

Obviously there was some sort of a block.  But what was it?  I was soon to find out.

I finally asked her what she wanted and what she expected.  She said she wanted mediumship AND SHE WANTED IT NOW.

Just to throw me off, challenge me a bit I guess, she said she wanted to speak to her mother in spirit.  But spirit clarified it was someone else with whom she really wished to speak.

SPIRIT DID NOT DISAPPOINT, as spirit never does.  I said, “Well, I do not feel your mother in spirit but I do feel your husband.  Is he the one you had to care for a long time before he passed?”  (I had said earlier she was still recuperating from caring for someone for a long time.)

She looked weary and replied, “Yes.”  She had endured caring for her husband during his long, slow passing from an illness, which had seemed like an eternity to her.

While she was not unhappy at the privilege of such service, it was obvious this had been challenging and wore her out.


The stroke victim.  There was this adorable senior resident who sat down later.  She looked unwell, especially her hands which hung limply at her side.  She began to tell me about the stroke from which she had healed miraculously.  She said it had been God’s hands that healed her.

Then spirit told her she still had a purpose on earth.  She should not despair.   She was supposed to help other residents in the nursing home.

She started to cry tears of joy.  This was the very reason she had come to me that day.  She wanted to know if she still had a purpose on earth!

The comical moment.  A beautiful young woman sat down before me.  As soon as she sat down I had a clairvoyant vision of her having her cards read and doing a love spell.

I was frightened to say this to her.  I mean, come on!  This is a professional looking woman.  If I was wrong I could have been escorted off the premises!  :)

But spirit again had not failed.  She confirmed she had indeed just had her cards read.  The card reader was now in the process of doing a candle love spell for her!

Ah, my work is so interesting.

The day was a tremendous success.  I was invited back for more events to promote the nursing home.  They asked if I could do a group reading like that Medium on TV.

I said, “Yes, but without the hair, nails and loud voice!”

They said, “Awe,” we wanted the entire enchilada.  I am now rehearsing a louder voice, and discussing some hair, nail changes with my beauty consultant.  :)


If you would like a private session with me, just go here to book:  http://BookLaura.com