SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: When things get dangerous…
SPIRIT SAYS THE HOUSE IS YOURS! Ugh! The other day I did a mediumship session in which two sisters sat. Unbeknownst to me they were bickering over the inheritance.
Each felt the house was hers.
One of the sisters asked me to ask her mother in spirit about the house she left behind. She was careful not to reveal what really was going on.

SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: It is important not to reveal anything to the medium, or you will influence your results.
I innocently went to the mother in spirit who had validated herself with much evidence prior. The mother said boldly answering me, “The house is yours, just as I told you when you were caring for me as I got older.”
The other sister flinched, looking like she would cry. Obviously, this was World War 3 for them.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: It can be dangerous if you are dealing with a family will or other issue.
Who would have ever thought being a medium can be dangerous? But when one sister wants the house and the other thinks it is hers, this job can get dangerous!
Have a great day all!