Spirit Guide Messages to Enhance Creativity, Intuition & Personal Power. Learn a simple technique using meditation and nature.
Those who are creative and intuitive can rule the world! Just look at the industry leaders of today.
The top CEOs of major corporations like Tesla, Google, Amazon have an edge if they can access their creativity and intuition in the process of leading their corporation.
Creativity and intuition create VISION, INSIGHT and BRILLIANCE!
You can gain access to this by using the technique described below to get messages from your guides.
The other day I was going for a walk late afternoon. It had been a particularly blistering day in South Eastern Florida as it was late August.
I inadvertently looked up towards the sky. There appearing before me was this magnificent rainbow, among some particularly interesting cloud formations.
I caught it on camera. Here it is.

What do you see in this sky? You can see many things.
I saw the clouds pointing to the rainbow as if to highlight it to me. It was as if my spirit guides were saying, “Be optimistic, have hope. Your goal is just around the corner.”
At that time in my day I had been feeling down and sad. There was a goal I had been working on that continued to evade me.
The image is saying, “Your goal is being sent to you.”
So the sky was reflecting an answer from spirit.
You can find images in nature and symbols everywhere. Much like dream symbols, nature is filled with chances for you to find answers to questions you have, whatever they are.
A technique to get messages from your spirit guides follows this line of thinking.
Here is a way to get messages from guides.
- Think of a question you have in your life or a problem you are trying to solve. It can be on any subject from love to money to health.
- Write your question on a piece of paper.
- Choose the way you will receive a message from spirit. It could be from the sky, like cloud formations. It could be by the next animal that appears before you. It could be from the pattern created when you throw out some coffee grinds on an empty countertop in front of you.
- The list is endless. The one requirement is that the result is something you have no control over. It must be random.
- I like the sky because it is so rich with messages.
- Take a deep meditation until you feel very centered, calm and focused.
- Now read the question you have on paper.
- Look up into the sky or at your method of divination.
- What do you see? Allow yourself to simply see what you see.
- This is your answer.
If you see nothing, if you cannot make an intuitive leap from your question to the answer from your guides displayed in nature, you need to continue doing this until you do.
This exercise will enhance your creativity and intuition for solving life problems.
All creative intuitive thinkers are powerful. This is a skill worth focusing on and developing.
Here is another way to get spirit guide messages using a card deck.
Spirit Medium Laura