This article will provide a new technique channeled from spirit to Laura for healing, setting intention, manifesting and clearing for all including yourself.
It works best if done within a global universal context, as healing is most powerful when adding oneness consciousness into the effort.
Oneness Consciousness means that you see and know everything is connected. When your neighbor prospers so do you. When the world raises its vibration so is yours.
This actually is demonstrated by “The Power of 8” Intention Healing groups led by Lynne McTaggart. She has led numerous global healing group efforts in the tens of thousands of participants.
Here is a visual of her three of her most popular books.
The newest discovery from her research is that those that set intention for others, receive healing too! She calls this Altruism.
Following this line of thought, I decided to use her discoveries to conduct my healing for myself and others.
I created a way to heal like a guru based on her work. From this I was further inspired to create the TELEPATHIC CONNECTION to Heal Relationships technique.
Both of these methods can be done on your own or with my help in private session.
Today I would like to present a healing technique that evolved from these. I call this Spiritual Energy Healing in the Miracle Circle of Light.
I call this a miracle because when doing it I feel connected to Source (God, Angels, Guides, Higher Consciousness, Higher Vibration, etc.). There is something about using LIGHT to heal that is quite miraculous, another Lynne McTaggart takeaway.
Lynne’s research revealed that quantum processes occur at the very foundation of physical matter, including us. We participate in creating the physical world by virtue of what we observe (intend), either consciously or unconsciously.
So if you feel you are unlucky, you have made the observation (set the intention) you are unlucky. As you unwittingly create this reality, you then step into it, like a virtual reality in which you are trapped!

She also revealed through her research with scientists, that at the quantum level light is the mechanism of communication. She likens this to a psychic internet, a ubiquitous communication network powered by light
This network transmits information about itself instantly at the speed of light, independent of location. Just as you can feel your feet right now, the limitless universe knows all about itself without time or space limitation.
You could call this the Collective Unconscious, the Quantum Field, Zero Point, Quantum Entanglement, etc. Imagine one mind that is in contact with all aspects of itself at once.
All of what you believe to be an objective reality is really a subjective reality created by the positive and negative thoughts you wittingly or unwittingly emit!
You may be thinking, “No fooling, Sherlock!” sarcastically having known this before I said it here.
But this is bigger than knowing it. This is proving it!
Lynne McTaggart’s book, “The Intention Experiment,” literally proves in concert with Dr. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D. of Arizona State University, that focused thought can make a plant grow bigger!

I have taken this idea a step further. I have created a way for you to intentionally direct your thought into a circle of light that holds your intentions.
I feel this is a very powerful Intention Creation method worth sharing with you, because as I do it I have seen some spooky results, emanating as insight along the path to healing.
This technique holds within it the basics of spiritual energy healing (according to research of Lynne McTaggart’s scientific teams).
The Basic Steps to do Spiritual Energy Healing with Light.
- HEALING INTENTION LIST. Make a list of those situations, conditions and relationships in your life and the world you feel need healing. Make sure this is in writing for you will need it when you do the actual healing.
- The MIRACLE. The miracle to co-create your intention is empathy, altruism and oneness. This means sending healing intention for others has a miraculous effect on realizing your personal intentions. We will send intention for a discordant relationship and for a global issue. This will align you with universal consciousness, the magical elixir of co-creation.
- DISCORDANT RELATIONSHIPS. This is extremely important. Any enemies or discordant relationships you have must receive healing to allow you to manifest your intentions! So include on your healing list all those with whom you feel a negative charge.
- GLOBAL HEALING. Include in your healing one global issue of concern. You can send healing for world peace, to end starvation, to save the environment, protect extinction of species, save animals, etc. Whatever you choose, let it be authentic for you.
- INTENTION LIST. Next to each person or situation on the list name a healing intention. Ex. If you have a discordant relationship, write down what this person needs or wants. If you have a world issue on your list, write down what the healing intention is for this. For yourself write down your intentions.
- SPECIFIC. For each intention be as specific as possible, answering the questions: Who, What, When, Where, and Why, as being detailed in this way is integral to achievement.
- COMFORT. Get your body into a comfortable position with your list accessible for reading.
- MUSIC. Play some relaxing and soothing healing music. Here is one I like from youtube.com. Find something that really sends you to higher vibration. It must feel soothing, loving and euphoric.
- CIRCLE. As you relax into this music begin to visualize a large stage. Everything on the stage is black except this large circle illuminated by a spotlight of white light shining from above.
- LOAD CIRCLE. Load yourself, one global issue and one discordant relationship into the circle. It is better to focus this meditation on selected candidates only each time.
- WHITE LIGHT SHOWER. Visualize a blinding shower of white light on all things in the circle. This is preparing them for healing.
- The MIRACLE – The Spiritual Energy Healing.
- VISUALIZE YOURSELF. How do you look? When I did this I saw aspects of myself which I had hidden like a poor self image, vulnerabilities, weaknesses and insecurities. I believe spirit was leading me to see this so it could be healed. Spirit will present what needs to be addressed in the healing journey to whatever intention you have set. It really is quite magical. [Later I realized: Poor self image comes from judging others. To clear this, place people you have judged in the past in the circle of light and send love to them. You will then clear! Magical!]
- INTENTIONS. Now state the intentions you have for yourself defining the Who, What, When, Where and Why for each intention.
- LIGHT SHOWER. Now shower light over yourself. This light represents your intention for healing. Magically, your intuition will choose the right colors. Whatever feels right is correct. There is no wrong or right here. Spirit takes care of the details. You take care of the intentions.
- INSIGHTS. Pay attention to anything else that happens. In this process your subconscious is guided by divine consciousness. New insights, ideas and intuitive hunches are made available to you.
- OTHERS. Now focus on the discordant relationship and global situation you have identified for healing intention, each at a time. Do what you did for yourself for them.
- WIND DOWN. Now you have completed this healing it is time to come back into the room. Slowly feel yourself becoming aware of your surroundings. Move your fingers, arms, legs and feet.
I use this healing every day and whenever I feel it is needed. I am now using it in addition to my regular vision board daily meditation, however, it might come to replace that as I am led by spirit.
Wishing you all a wonderful, miraculous experience with this new LIMITLESS SPIRITUAL TOOL!
Spirit Medium Laura