Spiritual Entrepreneur Marketing. Yes, you can be successful as a spiritual entrepreneur. You just need to learn how. I did it and so can you!
I (Spirit Medium Laura) have created and use a specific set of steps which have ensured my sustainable success as a spiritual entrepreneur. You can do the same.
This spiritual business blueprint outlines quite succinctly how to combine your soul’s purpose with your product offerings from private sessions, teaching and/or digital products of your choice.
Your soul purpose is the foundation.
Below is an outline using the acronym LOVE for the blueprint. This blueprint was channeled to me from spirit through my life journey.
It has provided success to me and can offer you success as well.
FURTHER HELP: If this brief outline is not enough I do offer a complete e-course on this including an e-book, video lessons and exercises. As well, you can book private sessions with me for refinement of the basic steps to your situation.
Course 5 on www.SpiritMediumCoach.com explains the course and gives you a free introduction to it.

Steps to Success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur
L= Learn. Learn what your greatest pain is this life time. Ex. My greatest pain this lifetime was NOT being my authentic self. Everything I did was to get approval from others by being what the general consensus said was successful.
Finally after several crushing life failures, including in the areas of love, money and health, I realized I had no sense of personal, innate value. This was the precipitating catalyst to my failure.
O = Open the solution to this pain. Once you know your life pain, you can begin to see its antidote. This is your soul purpose.
As you discover your purpose you can begin to create a solution to this pain. This is your business!
A business based on soul purpose is bullet proof! Spirit brings energy into the work, guiding you meteorically to success.
V= Verbalize. Once you know what your solution to the pain is, you can begin to formulate your message for verbalization, expression to the world.
This is the way to spread the word about you, it is behind your service. It is your charter message.
A good example of this is the following. You were being raised in a religious household where having psychic site was frowned upon, thought evil.
Your purpose could be helping those that were told their natural self was not good enough to see their worth through your gifts.
There is an endless array of ways you can use the solution to your problem to open dialogue with possible clients for service.
Verbalizing your problem to solution in classes, public speeches, books, and e-courses, are ways for you to not only make money but to get clients.
Give one public event a week. This can be a free or fee podcast, radio show, in person speech or class. Capture the emails of attendees and send regular emails with offerings. Offer an introductory price for your service at the event.
Capture Emails. Offer a free version of your solution to others seeking it. Create a download from your website of an introductory e-course with your solution.
Get a website. Create good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or use Social Media to get the word out. I prefer SEO because you have more control over it. This is the cornerstone to sustaining your business.
Make doing business with you easy. Have a way to take credit cards from your website.
Hire those with expertise to help you do this or find free ways to do yourself. Google and YouTube.com offer a great wealth of free information to support you.
Work your marketing regularly. If you do not like doing this, hire someone, but until you can afford to do this, it is not that hard to do one free event a week, capture emails and offer products to them. Without this your business fails.
E = Engage the sale. So you know your problem, created its solution and are verbalizing this solution for marketing purposes.
When you meet someone that perhaps wants to buy from you but is not sure, always approach sales in a service way with LOVE.
This will remove any anxiety or negativity around engaging a sale, making you a dynamic resource for others seeking help.
LOVE Steps to Engaging the Sale
Learn their situation. Ask probing questions like how, what, where, when, how to get a complete picture of what they need or want.
Open their problem. Once you understand what is going on with a possible client, you can suggest their problem.
Verbalize how your work can or cannot solve that problem.
Engage the sale as appropriate.
As you can see you are not shoving product down someone’s throat. Instead you are helping them with a solution from you or somewhere else if you are not a good fit.
This takes all the risk and anxiety over selling to someone.
Remember you are here on earth to help people, not hurt people. Be proud of your service, your purpose.
Having a positive attitude about what you are doing is probably the single most important principle to success as a spiritual entrepreneur!
You are a gift to yourself and to others!
Spirit Medium Laura