SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION: The Value of Conflict is Passion

SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION:  The Value of Conflict is Passion

PASSION or THE END? Last night a caller to Soul Psychic Mediums radio show said it was the end of her life because she did not like her psychic reading! Gulp.

Spirit channeled through me her lover was with another woman. She confirmed. Spirit said he had a duality to his nature which would remain even if he left the other woman to go to her. He would probably cheat on her then.

She did not like this message and told me it was the “end of her life.” Wow! Spirit then channeled this message for her and everyone listening to the show.

Passionate Minds
Passionate Minds (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION:  “Both your good and bad experiences have value because when you incarnate, you are given the gift of passion. Passion is part of life and you can only have it so long as you are alive! “

[I believe the subtext here is the spirit world does not have conflict like we have on earth. Your thoughts?]

SPIRITUAL INSPIRATION:  Remember how passionately you felt about different experiences you have had in your life, both good and bad? Would you trade them for anything? I wouldn’t.

I hope she “got” this message which was more important than whether her lover would be with her.

Have a passion filled day and enjoy both your sadness as well as your joy! Each is delicious! Each creates the rich tapestry of your experience of being alive on earth.


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