The Spiritual Law of Detachment. Learn how detachment is a powerful key to manifesting your happiness.
“Holding onto anything is like holding onto your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go and it will be yours forever.” Deepak Chopra
A little Story
I used to work at Microsoft Corporation from 1988 – 1996. At that time in my life I knew nothing about detachment.
As a matter of fact I thought being attached was the road to success.
Suddenly after five years of work like frantic hamster on a speeding treadmill, my manager was changed. This new person was all over everything I did as if I was not good enough.
There was no evidence as far as I knew to provoke this attitude, just a new and “green” micro-manager because he did not know how to handle his job jet.
At this time I was getting ready to leave the company. I had stock options about to mature. If I was fired I would lose them and all the hard work I had invested in Microsoft, diligently and ferociously committed to excellence.
As I shivered in fear at the thought of getting fired after all my most loyal committed work, I decided to go to a spiritual counselor with Center for Spiritual Living. Wayne Dyer was a well known follower of this church of spiritual philosophy. Louis Hay had been a minister.
I expected I would get some metaphysical direction from him, like DO this or DO THAT. Instead much to my amazement this Minister taught me to meditate.
I was flummoxed. Meditate? Why wasn’t this Minister giving me some counseling to DO something.
I did what he said, because I completely believed in the teaching of this metaphysical center.
After a few weeks, maybe months, something happened.
I became DETACHED!
When I went to work I did not get all upset if my manager was breathing down my throat. Instead I simply flowed through the day in a high level of peacefulness.
After enjoying my new found sense of freedom in peacefulness, a change in my circumstance arose.
My manager suddenly got distracted by a new employee on our team. He completely forgot all about me. That was a huge relief.
But there is more! Shortly after he began making that employee’s life miserable, this manager got transferred to a new position!
I had done nothing but meditate. This led to detachment. The problem corrected itself.
How can that be?
When we meditate on a regular basis we enter a higher vibration of oneness. We become one with everything. This is also called love. Love is the creative matrix of the universe.
So the choice is yours. Live in the astral vibration of fear. OR, live in the transcendent state of love.
Manifesting is automatic when you are in detachment. The universe creates that which you emanate.
Emanate the fear embedded in attachment and you get more fear.
Emanate love embedded in detachment, and you get more love.

Channeling on Detachment
Dear Spirit Guides, is there anything you want to share about detachment?
Love is detachment. When you love everything, you become detached. You begin to see there is no good or bad, there is only one force, one power and that is love.
Love is the most potent idea and power in the universe. There is nothing more powerful than love, so when you feel love, you are invoking the 7 laws of potentiality which is omnipotence.
[The Seven Spiritual Laws of the Universe. “Once you understand, apply and align yourself with these Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life beyond what you have ever dared to imagine.”]
Omnipotence means you have the kingdom of heaven within you and with out you. You want for nothing and you become complete.
[The 7th Law of the Seven Spiritual Laws of the Universe, Is the Law of Gender. ” Know that within every woman lie all the latent qualities of a man, and within every man those of a woman. When you know this you will know what it means to be complete.” This is essentially the law of completion, Transcendence, oneness, unification.”
This is the seventh ray. The 7th ray of love.
Amen, namaste,
Channeled by the Elohim (creators) of the 7 Rays (the universe)
I looked up some phrases from above channeling to get a bit of background.
The statement about potentiality is explained HERE.
The Elohim is explained HERE. Essentially The Elohim created the universe.
The 7 Rays is “the universe,” explained HERE.