The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration make Manifestation and The Law of Attraction work automatically but only after you do the first two Steps of Soul Abundance.
You must Let Go Fear (Karma) with meditation and Open a dialogue with your soul (Dharma) with soul purpose archetypes.
In the Vibrate Joy Step of Soul Abundance, we use The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration to align with what we love.
When this is done you attract the counterpart to what you love. Love begets love. Bliss begets bliss. Joy begets joy.
At times it is difficult to be clear on what you choose. Humans are hard wired to conform. Survival of the species has selected us on this basis.
Stay with the herd and you are safe. Leave the herd and you are taking risks.
However, if we stop conforming and start aligning with our unique individual soul consciousness we gain access to a power so magnificent manifesting will no longer be needed.
This is the power of your soul and its planned purpose. I call this power Soul Abundance.
Your job in activating your Soul Abundance is to know when you are aligning with the fear of Race Consciousness or your individual soul consciousness.
This is why you did the Let Go of Karma and Open Dharma steps before you got to this step.

Here are some examples of how you can get entangled with Race Consciousness.
- BEATRICE’S BUSINESS. You might get tempted to build a business like your friend Beatrice because she is making a lot of money, does not have to be in an office and can express herself in decorating “AirBnB” spaces she rents to others. She has a cool, lucrative business that seems to be a lot of fun.
- HARRIET’S HUSBAND. You might think you should have a husband like Harriet because he is very wealthy, handsome and takes her for trips around the world regularly. She seems to have a privileged life and gets along well with her husband.
- MAYBELLE’s MANIFESTATION. You might become envious of your friend Maybelle because she is a world renowned luminary, frequently in the media, has been published and has now become a millionaire through lucrative self development products. She seems to have it all.
So there you have it!
The race competition of race consciousness. As long as we live outside of soul alignment, we can fall victim to this.
Soul Alignment – The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration
The secret to success with the law of attraction and manifestation is to find what YOU love and follow that. This is soul alignment.
Curate what really feels right, true and authentic for you.
There is only magic when you follow what you love. Why? Because a supernatural energy, I call this flow, is released when you follow your bliss. Your bliss is your soul plan.
We live in an energy matrix. When you align with the energy you planned to support you this life time, things get magical.

Stop Struggling. Start Flowing Using The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration
If you feel like you are huffing and puffing pushing a huge boulder up a mountain to get where you THINK you want to go, you should know right away you are not in flow, in alignment with your soul purpose, your joy, your bliss.
Your soul purpose is so powerful, if you align with it, rather than resist it, you will gain access to a supernatural force attracting the life you intended prior to birth.
You Cannot Resonate a Copy
If you attempt to copy a mirrored image of someone else’s soul plan, you lose access to the supernatural energy of your soul plan.
A copy of an energy field cannot resonate a vibration! This is part of The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration.

Imagine you had forced yourself to take a practical job selling software for a large corporation.
Finally after a few years of trying to fit yourself into the wrong job, you realize you are not successful at it and you are burned out.
You decide to try doing something that has been in the back of your head for years. You decide to go into a dog grooming business because you love dogs.
As soon as you decide, a space opens up for you to do the work at a reasonable cost.
A few acquaintances start bringing you their dogs. You have a way with animals, which allows you easily to address calming even the most frisky of them.
Before you know it, you get referrals. The business created itself because you stayed aligned with what resonated for you.
After a few more years you open a franchise which becomes well known, allowing you to enjoy a life of prosperity not only from the money it produces, but as well from the satisfaction of doing something you love, are talented to do and is in alignment with you.
Purpose brings Prosperity.
All successful people align with what they love. That is their power and it can be yours as well.

How To Activate The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration.
Here are some ideas to get in touch with what is really, truly you, not a copy of someone else. This list is not exhaustive. Share your own ideas in the comments below.
Joy Journaling – Keeping Your Vibration in Alignment
Journaling everyday about what you love, what brings you joy and bliss, can help raise your self awareness. This in turn will help you stay in alignment with what your soul planned for this life time rather than get hijacked into copying other people.
Mantra Manifesting Meditation to Set Your Frequency
This technique requires your mantra symbolize your joy as discovered with joy journaling (above). If you do this with a hypnotic wheel and meditation music as described in this article, you will find things get rather spooky serendipitous indeed.

Soul Space – A Living Vision Board of Your Vibration
A Soul Space (meditation space) is a location in your home where you can physically set the Frequency and Vibration of what you desire in your life. Find a private space in your home which will house furniture, art, crystals, essential oils, pictures and objects which resonate the frequency and vibration of what you want in your life.
You can add Feng Shui to amplify this effect. This will create a magnetic field which attracts what you want.
For example, let’s say after going through the first two steps of Soul Abundance, Letting Go Karma and Opening your Dharma, you realize your soul plan includes becoming a world renowned Psychic Medium.
You have always felt more sensitive than others, empathically pick up their energy and have always been fascinated by the Other Side.
You have never fit in with other types of work. You have had alluring, compelling and intriguing psychic experiences even though you never took a class.
So now that you know who you are, you decide to personify this vibration in your Soul Space. You find an empty room in your house, or simply part of a room you can set aside to begin resonating the vibration of what and who you really are.
Crystals. You then place a crystal which will represent this in your Soul Space. Amethyst is a great crystal for opening the third eye.
Essential Oil. You diffuse an essential oil that helps with connections to the other side.. Find a crystal which enhances the third eye. Diffuse it in your space.

Psychic Oil Diffuser

Tapestry You find an inspiring wall tapestry, which inspires you. Here is one that I find stimulating.
Soul Retreat – Go on a Spiritual Retreat
There is no better way to vibrate joy using The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration than going on a Spiritual Retreat. The retreat should allow you to resonate the frequency and vibration of what you love and who you are.
Basically it should make you get in touch with YOU! For example, a meditation retreat can help you resonate your true soul frequency and vibration by centering you, honing the frequency and vibration of who and what you are.
How to Create a Spiritual Retreat in Your Home
There is no better way to use The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration than creating a Spiritual Retreat in your home or going on a Spiritual Retreat Elsewhere.
Here is a way to do a spiritual retreat in your home.
Where to Get a Great Retreat Abroad: Book Retreats
Go on a spiritual retreat abroad. No better way to set your vibration of healing, love and soul alignment.
Vision Board for The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration
Simply put a Vision Board is a visual representation of what you desire in your life. This is most powerful if you meditate on it in a daily practice.
I have created a digital vision board for my use as I like being able to update it almost on a daily basis to reflect what my Joy Journaling revealed to me.
Here is an article I wrote on how to create your own digital vision board.
I take the essence of one vision board desire and use that in my Mantra Meditation explained above. I do this on a daily basis.

Book Your Private Appointment
If you are not certain how to use The Spiritual Law of Frequency and Vibration to help you enter the state of flow you can book a private appointment with Spirit through Laura at