Spiritual Manifestation: Ascension Energy. Learn how the energy of the ascension affects the way to get results with manifesting.
I have found it much easier to manifest what is on my soul path in the age of Aquarius. Try as I might to bring in other desires, manifesting results pale in comparison to those related to my soul purpose.
Manifesting from the ego does not work in the 5 D consciousness (Ascension, Aquarian Age). Love does.
What is ego? Ego means you are pushing to make something happen, rather than allowing it to arrive.
What is love? Love allows your desires to arrive because you know you are connected to what you desire, already.
Love is following your intuitive flow of hunches, synchronicity, inspired by what feels good, joyful, to you on a daily basis.
Love is your soul.. It speaks in the language of JOY.
It takes daily sensitization exercises, like meditation, journaling and paying attention to find the guidance of joyful flow.
Follow the Guidance of JOY.
When you take the time to sensitize to what feels joyful to you, then take action based on that, you will find manifesting no longer is needed.
What is needed is following your JOY.
Joy is your soul speaking to you about your purpose, what you came to earth to do.
Spiritual manifesting is following your soul, away from fear (ego) to love (soul).
Trying to use manifesting techniques to “get” something that evades you is simply the wrong way to live in the new energy we are currently in on earth.
2021 shifted us completely into the Age of Aquarius.
I noticed ever since the new year, I began to feel depressed. Whatever gave me joy before, seemed to lose it luster.
So a few week’s ago I decided to sit with my journal to see what came up. As I wrote my feelings I had a thought, “why not use the Soul Abundance coaching system on me?”
So I used the L-O-V-E steps. Here is how the LOVE steps worked for me.
Step 1. Learn and Let Go of (surrender) your struggle (ego). My biggest life struggle or block for this lifetime is self actualization. Meditation is a great way to surrender ego.
Step 2. Open Your JOY. The pandemic helped me become aware of how joy had shifted for me. I knew it was time for a rebirth into a more authentic version of me, my soul.
Step 3: Vision the JOY. Once I did the 1st 2 steps above, spirit led me to add a goal to my vision board. I began to remember and feel my identity as a spiritual conduit, born to earth to serve.
Step 4: Engage the abundant flow that ensues. Once I did the 1st 3 steps above, spirit led me with intuitive hunches, synchronicity and opportunities. My flow began to emerge.

As soon as I visualized this goal, I was led to register for a Metaphysical event online for later that day.
This event continued a series of awakenings about the connection between The Ascension and manifesting.
The Ascension energy of 5D consciousness supports your soul vibration and the creation of your life around it. With this structure manifesting is no longer needed.
As soon as you think of what you need or want, it appears. If it does not appear, then there is a better path ahead.
You need to tune into this path, to allow yourself to be led. When done, abundance, magic and joy are automatic.
At times it is difficult to understand the interplay of these elements. At times a Spiritual Mentor can be useful.
As mentioned above, as soon as I placed on my vision board a goal in alignment with my soul path, the magic activated. I was led.
As well, I noticed my vision board had a goal on it that mysteriously never activated. As soon as I would make a little progress with this goal, it melted away.
If a goal is not manifesting it is time to look at it closely. There is healing around that goal.
If a goal is coming from FEAR, not LOVE, it is coming from your head, ego, not your heart, soul.
The challenge is to heal the fear by restating the goal in a way that is coming from love. Goals coming from love will be manifested right away.
So for example, if you have a goal to find love, but it is coming from fear of being alone, not having someone to support you financially or not having something else, then your goal is coming from fear, not love.
You need to overcome your fears by resolving them yourself.
If you are afraid of being alone, fill your life with companionship from self and others.
If your fear is not having enough money, fill your life with financial opulence to meet your goals and dreams.
If your fear is not having something else, find ways to have that thing now by yourself.
As soon as you embody what you desire in your goal, your goal manifests instantly.
This is the Spiritual Law of Reciprocity, which is a natural immutable law of energy.
This law states you attract what you are.
Resonate what you want. What you want will then appear.
In conclusion, listen to your heart. Set manifestation goals in alignment with what feels joyful to you.
Then follow the energy that leads you. The Ascension Energy is here to support that.
This means a life of greater joy, less misery, more magic.
This is lovely Laura! I love how you speak of your experience and walk your talk. You are a beautiful person Laura. Thank you!