St. Germain Soul Mastery (Channeled)

Knowing the truth brings bliss. Accepting the truth brings happiness. When you are out of alignment with source you are out of truth. When you are out of truth you are unhappy on earth. Earth is all about the essence of truth, for it is the only vibration you can incarnate within and be out of alignment with source or truth.

I am here.  I am the energy of St. Germain or the entity of St. Germain to put it better.

I have been alive a long time in other forms but for today I will call myself the energy of transformation and transmutation.

I am St. Germain the energy and entity of that one.  However, I am not his over-soul.  I am his energy which is different than his over-soul.   An over-soul is like a canvas that you can write anything you want on; however his energy is his consciousness.

Count of St Germain by unknown artist
Image via Wikipedia


When you channel an over-soul you channel the exterior parts of the consciousness but not the consciousness itself.  This is not what I am doing through you.

I am channeling my consciousness to you because you have asked and I feel you will understand the material and will want to show it to others.  That is what I am all about. 

I am all about sharing what I know and can do for those on earth and in other dimensions.

You know many on earth think that earth is all there is.  It is not.  There are other dimensions that I help others within.

Each dimension has its own learning curve and advantages to developing the soul and its underlying foundation.

For today we will focus on your dimension of earth.

This earth that you live on is not like other places to incarnate for it is more difficult than other energies in other dimensions in the sense that you have a physical form.  The lessons in other dimensions are not as dense or difficult. 

For this reason I have come to earth to help.  Earth needs my help to evolve quickly and faster than it would otherwise.  I have been assigned the duty and task of helping those on earth learn about themselves fast and to be healed faster.

Some call it the Violet Flame or whatever you want to call it.  I am supposed to help those on earth vibration heal and release that which is not aligned with 5D.  Many have heard about 5D but do not understand it completely. 

There is much on earth that is confusion, especially when it comes to matters of evolvement and learning.

Many on earth think they must go somewhere to experience the kingdom of peace on earth.  No.  They are the peace right now.

Many on earth think they must leave earth to go to heaven.  No.  They can live on earth in a different vibration where their thoughts and actions will align with a heavenly mastery while still on earth as an incarnated soul.



Yes, this is possible.  I am the one who is showing those on earth how to do this.

I am not the only one however, and will not take credit for that.  There are many masters working with earth right now to help those on earth that want soul mastery while still in the physical incarnation.

(NOTE:  After channeling this material I found through research:  “St. Germain tutors and initiates souls in mastery of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of prophecy and the working of miracles.”  Taken from this link.  )

The way to do this according to my work is to let go of control.  I have said this many, many times and I will say it again.

When you can let go of trying to control the outcome of something and allow it to be exactly what it is you will find self mastery follows quickly behind that state of thinking.

So let go of trying to control and you will find that things will get more blissful for you on earth.

The way to let go of control can be done with miracle meditations, one of which is the violet flame.  Let the flame go through your body in a mental exercise. You will find your spirits will rise if you do this daily.

Then after you have taken your violet flame “bath” you will ask for it to transmute your karma or any limitation you have to alignment with God.  When you do this you will feel lighter and in control of your life without having to control it.

This is the definition of bliss.  It is being in control by releasing control to alignment with source.

When you align with source of God you are in the breeze on the ocean as you sail through life.  You flow better and in process.  The process is the plan or current for this lifetime for you.

When you align your heart and soul with your flow or essence you become an essene.  An essene is one who sees and knows the truth. 

[Note:  After channeling this I found through research, The Ascended Master Saint Germain (Ragoczy), as Chohan of the Seventh Ray, is the Master Teacher or Spiritual Head of the Amethystine Order.  The Amethystine Order is an Illuminist Order of Essenes, in that all members follow the Essene way of life.  Taken from this link.). 

Knowing the truth brings bliss.  Accepting the truth brings happiness.

When you are out of alignment with source you are out of truth.  When you are out of truth you are unhappy on earth.

Earth is all about the essence of truth, for it is the only vibration you can incarnate within and be out of alignment with source or truth.

Source or truth is God.  When you are on earth you can get out of alignment with God.  When you realign with God consciousness which is unconditional love and acceptable of what is, you will find you are back in the flow of ecstasy and miracles.

The ascension to 5D is all about alignment with truth and the God head.

God bless.


NOTE:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions on your soul’s transmutation for 5D Ascension, as well as, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching.    She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or

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