STARSEED: Are you a starseed too?

English: Pleiades Star Cluster
English: Pleiades Star Cluster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Over a period of years, I have discovered I came to earth as a Starseed, a Pleiadian. Yesterday, I was chatting with Carrie Goodman (who is a Starseed too) about some channeling I had done. I had received a legal notice of copyright infringement from the author of a book on a related subject.

I simply had channeled in material that was in that book, even though I never read the book. Won’t mention the book or the material as I might upset them again. :)

In any event, I have been receiving channeling from the Pleiadians since 2004 and also the Alpha and Omega Light Beings (Great White Brotherhood, Order of Melchizedek), innocently enough.

Yesterday my dear friend Carrie explained to me how all of this fits together. Now I know why all my spiritual teachings follow the acronym, L-O-V-E.

I do have pre-life memories where I volunteered to return to help. Now my human side understands this better. I am here as a tool to help evolve humanity from fear to L-O-V-E.

I am not LOVE. I am learning too, for by taking human form again means I have once again succumbed to the vibration of fear. However, it is with great joy I attempt to find LOVE in myself and present it to those spirit sends to me.

I am a medium through which higher principles of LIGHT and LOVE speak. I am not the light. I am its humble servant and its humble messenger.

Thank you all for listening.



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