Those that know me know I have been bragging about how slender I have become since I eliminated junk food from my diet. However, I gained about five pounds of it back suddenly in the last few weeks. :(
I had started eating toxic foods again, inadvertently. As well, I had a toxic situation in my life that was getting worse.
Stress is a big component of weight gain, particularly in the stomach area.
Stress is just as toxic to the body as junk food! Any kind of stress can immediately increase your cravings for “comfort” food.
Comfort food is toxic and therefore inflames the body. Inflammation leads to weight gain.
Before you know it, you have an extra amount of pounds sitting on your frame, firmly placed usually in the mid section.
Then just as inadvertently I found the extra five pounds I had gained, suddenly melted away.
What happened? Well, a number of things, but the most important one is I started getting a really restful night’s sleep.
I don’t say this lightly. I started getting a night’s sleep like I used to get when I was a teenager! (I’ll explain below what I changed to get this type of restorative sleep.)
SLEEP CAN AFFECT YOUR WEIGHT! Yes, if you do not sleep well, you might feel stressed out and eat more toxic foods.
About a week or three ago, after awakening from another stressful night of tossing, my intuition told me I was suffering on many levels from not getting a good night’s sleep and I needed to try an essential oil for sleep!
I did and it worked so well, I now feel like I got my life back. I sleep soundly. I wake up after my body has gotten the restorative sleep it needs and something else unexpectedly happened.
I began to feel so relaxed during the day. This feeling is incredible! I feel like a teenager again!
So if you are under a lot of stress and feel it could have caused weight gain in your stomach area or anywhere, I suggest exploring the essential oils for Relaxation and Sleep.
This is the one I take. It is incredibly inexpensive and lasts forever. Its effect on my life has been cosmically profound! :)
Who could have imagined such a little thing could have improved my life so much?

FREE WEBINAR. How did I lose my weight? Learn how in this FREE Webinar. Hint: Eating less and exercising more is NOT what I did! Just enter your email here and you will immediately be taken to the webinar.
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