SUICIDE: If you commit suicide do you go to hell?

DO SUICIDES GO TO HELL? Got asked this yesterday from a Facebook post.
I have brought in many suicides. They always speak as if they learned a lot from their suicide. However, they are not in hell, nor are they being punished.
SUICIDE: They are being taught. Then they plan for a new life where they will make better choices.
A recent soul I brought in who did commit suicide said he was now working to help others prevent suicide. He had been gone only a month in earth time.
There have been so many souls I have brought in that did commit suicide. All of them are fine on the other side.
Another one recently seemed a little nervous to speak, but then when he did connect he was quite free flowing with ideas and his past life. He was afraid his sister (my client) would not be welcoming. But she was.
Is there a hell? I have pre-life memories which show the spirit realm to work the way “Journey of Souls” states (a great book). According to this book, some souls who have committed heinous acts over many, many life times are put into isolation in the spirit realm.
Their guides come in to help rehabilitate them. If a soul does not rehabilitate after many life times of chances, they are dissolved. Their individual identity is obliterated.
This is the closest to hell I have found in my readings and work.
SUICIDE: Does not place a soul in hell. Actually there is no hell like religion has taught us. But there is learning, growth and rehabilitation.
Love you all.