How to Survive a Global Pandemic. A magical guide to a practical matter. Learn how to turn your immune system on to fight any and all infections off.
As you might have gathered a global pandemic has landed its dirty little hands upon us.
As you also might have noticed waiting for the “authorities” to fix this for us, seems an inefficient remedy.
The virus is out of the box, everywhere, in the air and unavoidable.
Yet I am very happy. Why?

Even though I AM HAVING MILD SYMPTOMS of HAVING CONTRACTED IT, I feel bulletproof.
I worked on building an iron clad immune system a few years ago.
I used to get sick every couple of weeks for a month to six weeks with a virulent upper respiratory infection. Traditional medicine could do nothing to help, even after I tested positive for antibodies to Epstein Barr virus.
So I took matters into my own hands. After working on this for a year or two, I now rarely get sick and when I do it is very mild and lasts only a day or two.
As a Certified Health Coach, I can educate, but not diagnose or treat illness. Therefore, this is not a medical recommendation for treatment but rather a sharing of what I do for educational purposes only.
Here is what I do, which has worked for me.
- DE-STRESS. Stress destroys your immune system. Avoid conflict, stressful situations, arguments and worrying about the global pandemic.
- VITAMIN D; SUN LIGHT. Take Vitamin D either directly from sun exposure (or lamp) and/or in the form of Vitamin D supplements.
- WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED DIET. Eat a whole food plant based diet. More about this here.
- GREEN SHAKE A DAY (organic, high quality). It should have super foods in it and pre/probiotics. Green super foods stimulate the body’s immune system. Having healthy bacteria in the gut is integral to immune support. An example of this is HERE.
- WALK IT, SHAKE IT, QUAKE IT. (This is recommended only if you have energy. If you are exhausted from fighting the virus, better to rest.) Move around. Do not sit too long. Do at least one hour of moderate physical action a day, preferably keep physically active most of your waking time. Keeping the blood flowing, stimulates toxin removal and brings nutrients into the cells. Walking has added benefit of stimulating the lymph system, removing toxins, which helps with the immune response. High stress physical activity can actually weaken immune system, so go moderate.
- IMMUNE FOCUSED SUPPLEMENTS. I take supplements. I have found them to be the magic that now allows me to not get sick. Here they are revealed.
- SOLD OUT! System Well Ultimate Immunity. I swear by these capsules and take 4 of these per day. If I feel illness coming on I increase dosage, taking a couple every hour. Knocks it right out, but it is now sold out due to pandemic panic. Suggestion for replacement below.
- IMMUNE RENEW (Now Foods) Great reviews. Inexpensive. Has the mushrooms, which I think are MAGIC!
- Host Defense, Stamets 7 Capsules, Daily Immune Support, Mushroom Supplement with Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Vegan, Organic, Gluten Free, 120 Capsules (60 Servings) . Excellent reviews and ingredients. Expensive.
- Mushroom Supplement Lions Mane Cordyceps. Great reviews. Like the mushrooms. Low cost.
- MONOLAURIN. This is an anti viral which works really well.
- GOOD MULTIVITAMIN based on whole food. I take one.
- COLLOIDAL SILVER, 10ppm and SALT Water Gargle. Works like magic. Colloidal Silver is a NATURAL antibiotic that works on both bacteria and viruses without harsh side effects. I gargle with salt water, then spray my throat five times with Colloidal Silver on both sides when I feel a bug coming on. I keep the routine up until the bug goes away combined with the Ultimate Immunity product I mentioned above.
- WATER. As you take these actions you need to keep flushing the toxins out of the system by drinking large amounts of clean, filtered water.
I am immune compromised since I had Mononucleosis when I was a teenager. It took me years to figure out how to live WELL with this nasty Epstein Virus in my system, which acts up every now and then when I get run down.
Now that a global pandemic has struck I feel better equipped to deal with it than most people, because LONG AGO I took health matters into my own hands to “fix” my weakness.
I recommend you take health matters into your own hands. You will be able to leap tall buildings with a single bound, without permission or support from anyone but yourself!
There are ways to “cure” so called incurable illnesses in our society. Illnesses like type II diabetes, heart disease and dementia come in part from the Standard American Diet and poor lifestyle habits.
When you learn to go around this and find the fertile forest of remedies readily available to you for low or no cost, you will be shocked.
Or you might not believe. The group mind of fear, lack and “popular belief” does not support independent thinking or remedies outside of the traditional.
However, I have a unique experience, outside the norm of society. For example,
- I talk to “dead” people and they talk accurately back,
2. I ask for The Divine Guides to come in to help a client and the answers amazingly and accurately flow right in to help.
3. I say a prayer to stop wanting a toxic relationship and within 24 hours an incident is presented which releases me.
4. I do a meditation to call in a love mate, and when I open my eyes a man is walking towards me who becomes a love interest. I did this 3 other times in my life and had similar outcomes.
5. I asked for help with my investments as the stock market continued to not support my actions. As I queried the Internet one more miserable time, a solution popped up unexpectedly on my computer as I searched for something else. This was the Friday before the stock market crash on March 2, 2020. I was saved and actually made a huge amount of money due to this lucky coincidence.
There are so many things in my life like this, I now expect magic.
Magic is part of reality, however at this level of human consciousness, magic seems unreal.
I invite you to do so as well. Live your life believing there is magic and magic will be there for you.
Spirit Medium Laura
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