SYNCHRONICITY: Mysterious Energy Events

Jessie Willcox Smith's illustration of Alice surrounded by the characters of Wonderland. (1923) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SYNCHRONICITY:  MYSTERIOUS ENERGY EVENTS.  Do you sometimes feel like there is a broader energy that is leading you along or preventing you from something?

Last night try as I might to connect with a fellow dancer our phone calls got mangled. I kept calling him and he kept calling me but for some reason our phones did not ring, pick up or connect.

Weird. There were no voice messages, either. This went on for about 30 minutes on and off until I started to think the guy is crazy or something and went to meet some other friends instead.

Then when I got home 4 hours later I saw two voice mails from him trying to get back to me about the time I was looking for these messages.

SYNCHRONICITY:  They weren’t on my phone 4 hours earlier.

The more I surrender to a higher power, the more these sort of unexplainable energy events emerge. I assume it was right for us not to connect last night. Not sure why it was, but do assume so.

My life is like Alice in Wonderland. The more I look at each unexplainable event as good, the more they are happening. Can’t wait to see what unexplainable energy event emerges next.

SYNCHRONICITY:  There are a couple of unexplainable energy events I am following right now in my life that will be quite amazing if they turn out to be what I think they are. We will see.

Have a luxurious day!


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