SYNCHRONICITY is WORKING for me as you can see! Within 24 hours of this past week got:
1. A FREE digital recording of Soul Purpose Passion to Prosperity concept tele-class! HERE: http://attendthisevent.com/?eventid=39194157
2. Two new clients for this system.
3. A Joint Venture (JV) to market it. This JV is the same many big names use such as John Assaraf, T. Harv Eker, Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Janet Attwood, Mark Victor Hansen, Joe Vitale, blah, blah, blah!
Soul Purpose Passion to Prosperity is all about SYNCHRONICITY, GUIDANCE, OPPORTUNITIES and DESTINY.
SYNCHRONICITY: Read about the concept and listen to a sample tele-class here:
The funny thing about all of this is I have been trying to put this off. I was side tracked by this and that.
Then BOOM! Spirit really spoke. Several very “bad” things happened, which really were “good” or shall we say directing me forward on my path.
It is not all THAT simple. You have to ask in surrender your path be presented. When you do in a state of total acceptance, you will be led.
The magic of all of this is, when you align with your path, your destiny, you are guided very, extremely miraculously. There is nothing more powerfully prosperous than your soul’s plan for you.
Happy Synchronicity!