Just got done doing a wonder filled session with a lovely daughter who lost her father. He made his presence known to me immediately as I connected with her.
The first thing he showed me was a metal plate covering the upper right side of his skull. This image would not go away even though the daughter denied her father had a stroke or other head injury.
Finally, after I insisted it looked like a metal plate was there, his daughter remembered. He had had a metal plate planted into his skull during an operation!
Huh? Well, thank you Dad for being so insistent. How is that for a firm ID?
Then he kept saying “my little puppy, my little puppy.” Client did have a little puppy. He said, “He was happy she had the puppy as someone to love like he loved her, but you will also find a mate soon too.”
She was trying to find a mate at this time in her life.
AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: Then we set up a sign to use for their communications. He kept saying, “he liked the birds, he liked the birds” and then sent me the picture of a small bird with a white head and a grey body. I didn’t know what type of bird this was.
His daughter said he had two Cockatiels before he died. I Googled Cockatiels immediately. There right before me was a picture of the bird he had sent me. A grey and white Cockatiel.
AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: You got to love this stuff. Life does continue.
God bless.