GHOSTS: Are They Real?

Been musing lately over the nature of reality as I am wont to do. Been troubled over the controversy of whether all souls cross over into the light or some just don’t as in “earth bound, ghosts, unfinished business, etc.”
Recent client session brought this controversy up. The soul was upset about his passing.
I have heard some very reputable mediums, Janet Nohavec, for example, state she does not believe many if any souls remain close to earth after passing.
GHOSTS: Are They Real? She does not believe in ghosts, basically. Same with Bob Olson, creator of, who considers himself a clearing house for ethical mediumship.
Just checked in with “Destiny of Souls,” by Dr. Michael Newton. Case 14 in that book is a ghost for 4 years on earth until a Guide rescues it. Ghosts do exist according to his regressed subjects.
But yet, I do not think I have every been haunted, nor seen a haunting.
I did transition a soul to the light, once during a session with a client. They came to me complaining of an uninvited suitor in spirit for a 13 year old girl. She claimed there was a boy around her.
I did find the boy, and after discussing what was going on with him for a while, ordered him into the light. There were Spiritual Guides that worked with us, forcing him in. But doesn’t this situation then prove that a soul can NOT resist the light? After all when I ordered him into the light, he was coerced into it.
GHOSTS: Are They Real? I am still undecided.
God bless and have a great day.