CAN GOD CHANGE A NARCISSIST? A follower of mine asked me about using remote influence to influence her ex husband, whom she claims is a narcissist.
I just received a letter from a follower about using remote influence to influence her ex husband, whom she claims is a narcissist. Names and some details are changed to protect identities.
Follower Inquiry: “Sorry Laura one last question. I strongly believe that my ex was a narcissist. Do you feel that there is any way in trying to ever influence him in that he would want to talk to me.
So what to do?

You can help your step daughter with Remote Influence Telepathic communication as discussed in another email I wrote you.
That might help your step daughter be immune to her father’s influence. I just don’t think you can change your ex-husband.”
End of communication.
I hope this has been helpful to you as a reader. A narcissist does not have empathy and therefore cannot love as you or I do.
Even if they say they want to change they are not really trying to become a moral person. They are trying to get something they feel they missed or did not yet attain.
It is all about them. Morality is just not their thing.
Spirit Medium Laura.
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