“LAW OF ATTRACTION STALLED? You might be experiencing difficulty in getting the Law of Attraction to work for you. This is because you are upgrading your vibration (Ascension). Class on this in October. RSVP HERE: http://
YOUR SOUL WANTS A SAY. At this higher vibration your soul wants to be heard so you fulfill its plan. If you let it be heard, manifesting will upgrade to a more powerful, supernatural level, because your soul is supernatural!
LET GO to OPEN YOUR SOUL. First step to do this is to Let Go of trying to control (ego fear) and Open to your deep desires (soul love). Deep desires are your soul speaking to you about your purpose, life plan and contracts.
VIBRATION RESET. When you do this your vibration resets to a soul level so the Law of Attraction works automatically for you. Remember you attract what you are (your vibration), not what you want (your ego).
ENGAGE MAGIC. Then you Engage the magical flow of Guidance Opportunities and Destiny (GOD), leading you supernaturally on your path.
LOVE is the LAW OF ATTRACTION in ACTION. These steps spell LOVE. When you follow them the Law of Attraction works automatically, almost like a Magic Carpet ride guiding you forward on a wave of bliss to even greater joy. You begin to manifest at will, automatically and powerfully.
This is 5th dimensional living.”
Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura.
(This are concepts from Alpha Omega Light Beings channeled through me for the book, “Intuition for Success with the Law of Attraction.”)
Class information here: https://www.spiritmediumlaura.com/free-training/how-to-develop-psychic-abilities-makeover-mastery-programs/