Flow is the miracle frequency. It happens when you let go of control and begin to open to the idea that you have a dream in this lifetime. The dream is found by following your path. You path is signified to you by joy.
Intuitive flow is the essence of the new energy of earth. When you open to it your life becomes a manifesting miracle. The key to this energy is vibration.

It is a faster and lighter frequency than was before on earth. The day has arrived. The frequency or vibration on earth has changed. You are able now to manifest more joy into your life without intention to do so if you align your vibration to higher frequencies.
We mean that you can align with magic and miracles of 5th dimensional living if you care to take a look at your life and align it with flow.
Flow is the miracle frequency. It happens when you let go of control and begin to open to the idea that you have a dream in this lifetime. The dream is found by following your path. You path is signified to you by joy.
So you can easily raise your vibration by following joy in your life. It is an easy concept and a pleasant one to implement.
Just open your heart to what you love. Then follow it. This is vibration alignment with higher frequencies. You see, you have a spiritual GPS which leads you forward to your path or purpose in life.
This purpose is intuitively revealed to you so if you do not pay attention to how you feel and then follow the joy factor you will not be on your path.
Your path is miraculous and opens slowly over time through coincidences which seem magical when they occur. Someone might call you and tell you to do something that you were considering to do anyway.
You might have a feeling that something should be done by you. When you act on this feeling you find you were very right.
This is flow.
It is your miracle and is awakened by raising your vibration.

Another benefit of raising your vibration is to develop psychically and get messages from spirit in a psychic way, not just an intuitive way. Rather than just having feeling, you will actually receive information to do something or know something which protects you or brings you an abundant outcome.
So raising your vibration is integral to all sorts of miracles.
The most important aspect of raising your vibration is that you will have more joy in your life. You will be operating at a higher frequency of miracles and will not have to try to do things. Things will more readily flow to you.
You will be attracting at a heart or soul level which is extremely powerful. Much more powerful than an “intention” level. Heart or soul is miraculous. Intention is intellect and is not as powerful.
So if you would like to gain access to the new energies available on earth at this time you can now release your need to control. We call this “let go.”
The next step is to open to your heart. This is in the form of joy or pleasure. Keep adding more and more of it to your life. Your vibration will rise.
This, as well, could have to do with diet and exercise. Believe it or not what you ingest does affect your vibration. You must be extremely vigilant to eat foods that have a higher vibration.
Raw plants are more compatible with a higher frequency than flesh food. We are not going to proselytize to you and give you a moral judgment.
Suffice it to say that if you want more miracles you have to eat higher frequency foods. Distilled or spring water is included in this idea.
Alcohol and drugs of all kinds, prescription or illegal are counter to you vibration progess.
The main idea to raise your vibration is to open to what brings you pleasure in a spiritual way. Listening to beautiful music, exploring nature, meditation, expressing love, kindness, charity towards others are the ways you raise it.
Opening to your heart center through joy will align your vibration with higher frequencies. The last step remaining is to then entirely receive your intuitive flow.
If you want to be led more and see what is happening at an energetic level versus a physical level you need to open to this idea and receive what comes in. You need to awaken your awareness and your consciousness to the idea that there is an ether in which we all live and that you can align with it and then flow in it.
This is intuitive living at its best.
Awaken to it and your miracle flow will begin. Raising your vibration is all about flow.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com.