RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. Your vibration is highly programmable. If you CHANGE YOUR FREQUENCY, you can CHANGE YOUR LIFE! This article gives you several ways such as radionics, rife machines, gemstones, essential oils and energy healing to shift the actual way to move through life, thus affecting what you attract.
RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Is Frequency The Secret Code to Bliss? Manifest Like A Master
Since all things are ultimately energetic in nature, do you think there is a vibration for disease or even miracles? There is and you should care.
Why? Because you can change your frequency and, therefore, your experience as you travel through this dimension. Yes, you can raise or lower your vibration using physical and nonphysical tools.
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RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: What Are Intrinsic Data Fields?
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting a fascinating engineer. I had volunteered to be part of his “sending light and love” to dolphins and whales project.
I remember telling my sister beforehand, “Gosh I hope the equipment he installs doesn’t take a lot of space because I don’t have much here.” I secretly hoped it would not take much time from my busy schedule either.
What I did not expect was the “wealth” he was sharing with me. He explained how all energy carries with it what he calls, “Intrinsic Data Fields.” These data fields are so subtle as to be invisible to physical measurement. However, their effect is measurable in results.
Since placing the radionics equipment in my home he reported the measurement of benefit to our sea friends to have skyrocketed. (This is not only because of my device, although a part of me would like to think so. It is because he finished installing a few more devices that same weekend. )
Here is a fun course on Radionics to learn more about it.
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Here is an actual Radionics piece of equipment in case you are curious or want to actually employ this technology.
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He explained to me so much about subtle energy and the information it can transport I was a little dizzy when he left. At the same time, spirit had been channeling to me information about the same subject!
There is an intelligent energy in which we live (some might call this God), and this energy is readable by our soul. I stumbled upon this truism as I readied to do readings in a restaurant a few months before the dolphins and whales opportunity came to me.
This led to SoulTalk. SoulTalk is a way to engage the subconscious mind of the client in the reading. They are given choices to make which creates the morphic field for the psychic reading.
The choices are based on archetypes such as chakras, gemstones, Jungian or even astrological. The client usually will pick the correct archetype for their issues! They do not know what they are choosing, however, their soul (subconscious mind) does.
It is uncanny.
RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Gemstones Can Shift Your Vibration
Then spirit placed on my path a lovely lady named Gail Browning. Gail is the “Gem Maven.” I interviewed her for the SoulTalkSage.com radio show, no longer on the air.
As we discussed her gem experiences she revealed to me a story about a man who did not believe in the value of gemstones. She “proved” to him she would be able to predict the exact gemstone he would choose before he chose it.
He knew nothing about gemstones, so keep this in mind. She wrote on a piece of paper the stone he would choose. He made his choice.
Blue Azurite is a gemstone used to open the mind.
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It was the exact stone she predicted. This is not because she was trying to “read” him or be psychic. This is because each gemstone holds within it an Intrinsic Data Field of which a part of him could access. His subconscious mind knew what gemstone he should choose for his “issues” he was having in being cynical.
She proved her choice, flabbergasting him. She sold him that stone explaining that it would “heal” or energetically address his closed mindedness. Obviously there was much benefit for him in becoming more open minded.
I too have been guilty of being closed minded. Lately spirit has been ripping away my old beliefs, replacing them with new ones about energy, frequencies and healing.
RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Things Vibration Can Effect
Fast forward. OK, so you might be thinking so what does all of this have to do with me? Well, if you want to
- Age slower
- Feel more bliss, joy, buoyancy and energy
- Manifest like a master (Christ, Buddha, Krishna)
- Overcome illness and disease
Check out your energy.
RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: How to Use Entrainment
How do you change it? What spirit is currently showing me are literally physical ways we can reset and reprogram our own frequencies. If a lower vibration gets next to a higher vibration a process known as entrainment occurs.
The lower frequency with entrain to the higher frequency. This is why a total program of holistic frequency must be employed by you to gain the benefits of ascension to a higher frequency.
- Use a high quality Rose oil and other forms of aromatherapy. (320 Mhz).
- Buy positively charged crystals with love and light programmed in them.
- Use gemstones to heal.
- Use homeopathy, herbal cures and high quality food based nutriceuticals instead of prescription drugs whenever possible.
- Eat raw, organic foods high in life force energy.
- Be around happy people.
- Send love and light to those not happy. (I mentally send a soothing green and yellow energy gel to them and envision it gently absorbed into their body. This is done in a healing meditation, of course, not literally. It works! This is good for healing relationships too, but the colors need to be more light pink and white.)
- Laugh at failure.
- Be grateful and forgiving.
- Love yourself and others.
- Go organic and vegan
- Juice and fast. (Did you know that Gary Noll claims his hair went back to its natural color from gray and grew back on his head after fasting on his “green stuff” for months?)
- Pray
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Let’s take a look at polarity frequencies of various things we ingest. (Ability to measure frequency began with Tainio’s work in 1992, Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington,).
- Buddha, Krishna and Christ are at very high frequencies (1000+? speculated)
- Healthy human 62 to 68 MHz (from book by Dr. Robert O. Becker, “The Body Electric”)
- Rose oil (Rosa damascene) – 320 MHz
- Genius brain is 80-82 MHz
- Positive mental state, or attitude can raise your vibration by up to 15 MHz.
- Negative mental state can lower your frequency by up to 12 MHz.
- Coffee is about 58MHz and if you drink it you will lower your vibration within seconds
- Fresh Foods 20-27 Hz
- Fresh Herbs 20-27 Hz
- Dried Foods 15-22 Hz
- Dried Herbs 15-22 Hz
- Processed/Canned Food 0 Hz
- Cold or flu 58 MHz
- Candida is 55MHz
- Cancer is 42 MHz
- Death begins at 22 MHz
Dr. Royal Rife, invented a machine in 1920s designed to “cure” cancer with frequency. His notes and research were destroyed and his work covered up. Some suggest because the establishment did not want challenge to the methods of healing currently in practice.
Here is an actual RIFE Machine sold today. [easyazon_link identifier=”0976379708″ locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]Here is a book about the Rife Machine.[/easyazon_link]
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RAISE YOUR VIBRATION: Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life!
The final word on all of this is: CHANGE YOUR FREQUENCY, CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
You can raise your emotional frequency with a skilled psychic “seer.”
As a medium, I am a conduit for spirit healing. Your angelic guides want you to alleviate your addictive patterns to ascend to a higher frequency.
Now is the time to do this. Earth energies support this growth.
Your aura and chakras illuminate your frequency. These frequencies reveal your karmic relationships, patterns, past lives, life purpose, passion and power.
As patterns are detected through channeled information from spirit, healing begins with spirit guide messages, aura and chakra cleansing and realignment, pranic healing, guided meditations, channeled affirmations and other tools.
After this work one client reported feeling, “a relief, a sense of being lighter, like as if a heavy weight was taken from me. I now have more understanding on the relationships with my — and — providing alleviation on my path.”
- Ascend to higher frequency
- Unblock karmic relationships, soul patterns, past lives and energy
- Increase ability to manifest at will
- Increase sense of peace, joy and safety
- Increase psychic sight
- Slow down aging
- Increase FLOW (synchronicity, intuition and opportunities)
BOOK APPOINTMENT: Contact me, Laura Mendelsohn, Soul Psychic and Medium, at BOOKLAURA.COM, or calling 954 465 7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.comfor your frequency healing appointment.