How to Awaken Your Genius. Yes you can develop genius and the rewards are great! Money, love and even health can be enjoyed when you develop your genius.
YOU ARE a GENIUS! How to AWAKEN Your GENIUS to THRIVE in Money, Love & Health. I hate to tell you this, but, er, you ARE a GENIUS!
GENIUS is not something you are necessarily born with. It is something you can develop.
You should want to develop your genius so you can
1. create whatever you want in life,
2. live your passion; do what you love,
3. meet the right love partner, the love of your life because you are on point for your purpose,
4. be in the right place at the right time,
5. become affluent and prosperous,
6. be HAPPIER!

Genius is your ticket to abundant flow in life. Never ask a psychic again
1. When am I going to meet someone for a love relationship?
2. Will I get this or that job to pay my bills?
When you awaken your genius you enter what I call the miracle state of divine flow. Your life takes on its purpose.
Your genius is your soul leading you forward on your planned life path. So if you feel you are stuck, take a moment to learn how to awaken your genius and THEN JUST DO IT!
Yesterday I decided to start studying the nature of becoming or being a genius. What makes a genius? Is the only way to become a genius is to be born a certain way?
Well, I discovered the answers to these questions to be quite astonishing.
Genius is something you can be born with, yes. When a brain is structured a certain way, sometimes adversely or with a structural anomaly like autism perhaps, it can house the foundation of genius.
But the environment has to encourage the development of genius too.
I was studying the life of Leonardo DaVinci recently. He was born a “bastard,” without a family name. The only way he could be assured a semblance of financial security and safety in his life was to develop a trade and be very skilled at it.
His father placed him as an apprentice in a huge art studio. He had talent, sure, but assiduously applied himself to develop whatever gifts he had to assure his future.
Here is more on Leonardo Da Vinci’s life.
Adversity can at times be the soil from which genius is encouraged to grow.
It has been discovered that at times we can have a brain accident, then after that we are changed. We might have then awakened our genius.
This video below shows how a man after receiving a blow to the head was changed forever. After the injury, he withdrew from the world for a time, only to re-emerge with a need to draw perfectly rendered geometric figures.
He emerged as a math genius. After going to college to explore this “gift,” he realized he had dormant mathematical genius which had been activated after the blow to his head.
As well, he met his future wife with whom he had a child. His entire life took on a certain divine flow which emerged after he followed his genius.
There are several other people mentioned in this video of similar circumstance.
I have heard of many psychics who discovered they had dormant psychic genius after a near death experience. (I had one too as a young child, but was already having psychic experiences then.)
Here is the video on how a genius emerged after an accident.
So you might be thinking well how does all of this affect me? I am not going to run out and ask someone to bat me over the head in the remote hope a genius part of me will emerge!
lol! Of course you are not!
But it has been shown that genius can be developed. The following two videos explain how genius is developed.
Father develops his daughter into a Chess Genius.
She was born with an average intelligence, but through focus, study and her father’s belief in his process to develop genius in children (he was a psychologist) she became a well known chess champion.
A qualified genius explains how to become a genius with a Step by Step daily plan. Mr. Ford is a genius who discusses how an ordinary person can develop his or her genius to unveil their abundant purpose in life.
If you can become a genius deliberately then what does this say? It says, “NO EXCUSES!”
You can have anything you want. You can be anything you want.
You can have money.
You can have love.
You can encourage health in your body.
This is why when people come to me and ask if they are going to get a job or find love I always stumble a bit.
OF COURSE YOU WILL! You need to focus on this subject to awaken your genius until you get what you want!
Genius is the answer and the key to abundance of all sorts.
Focus my friends and be FREE! Free of limitations.
Love & blessings,
Spirit Medium Laura
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Further Study…
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