MIRACLES – How to Create Miracles

How to Create Miracles. Yes you can create miracles following this simple plan channeled from spirit. Enjoy your new life with miracles.

MIRACLES – How to Create Miracles.   Is there a way to create miracles in your life like clockwork?   Are miracles possible?  Are miracles real?

Last night I watched on UP-TV the movie, “Miracles From Heaven.”  I just loved it.

I admit I am one of those sappy, sentimental types, that loved “Ghost Whisperer,” “Touched By An Angel,” and “Marlee and Me.”

If I had to judge me, I’d say I am wildly sappy, sentimental and soft inside.

Oh well, acceptance is the first step to being peaceful.

Here is a synopsis of “Miracles from Heaven,” taken from Google.

“Anna Beam (Kylie Rogers) lives with a rare, incurable disorder that leaves her unable to digest food. Despite the dire diagnosis, devoted mom Christy (Jennifer Garner) relentlessly searches for a way to save her beloved daughter.

Everything changes in an instant when Anna tells an amazing story of a visit to heaven after surviving a headlong tumble into a tree. Her family and doctors become even more baffled when the young girl begins to show signs of recovering from her fatal condition.

So there I was all alone, sitting on the couch in my living room, teary eyed and mystified at the miracle in the movie.

But do miracles really happen?  If so, is there a sure way to bring them to us?

I will channel spirit to receive this answer.  Here goes.

FOCUS SUBJECT: “MIRACLES – How to Create Miracles” When you think about it, the mere fact, soil can provide food, (something from nothing) is a miracle. This concept is depicted in this art piece entitled, “A Kitchen Garden.” Artist: Carolyn Ann Steward, .

QUESTION:  Dear Divine Beings are miracles real and if so is there a way to turn them on rather than off?


Miracles are real indeed.  They are the seeds from spirit that allow you to know our presence on earth.

Earth is a place that despite the seeming lack of miracles or the miraculous is a place for us to prove miracles.

We are here as your guides to help with this, to prove that there is indeed a God and you definitely have access to this God.

The way to gain access to miracles is through the heart center, the soul.

When you are in an unencumbered state, of pure light and vibration, [peaceful and centered] you can see the miracle more clearly through to earth. 

You can create the miracle from the heart center, heart chakra, by feeling it first, then believing in it, then pulling it through like a new born child.

A miracle is a birth of something unique and different from current expectations.

  1.  EXPECT the UNEXPECTED.  So the first step to creating a miracle is to expect the unexpected.

Do not hold to the past to define the future.

A miracle is a new experience of reality that changes the cosmic culture, the cosmic energy of your dimension.

Once one miracle is birthed new ones can follow easier.

2.  BELIEVE.  So the second step to attaining miracles in your life is to study miracles.  Once you believe you have experienced a miracle you will begin to realize you can attain the miraculous more regularly.

So look for miracles each day in every way.  If you do not see a miracle in your life then study miracles in other lives.

You can actually read a book on miracles to inspire your belief in miracles.

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When you gain access to a higher consciousness that believes in miracles you will begin to see them first in your life, then in other lives and then in your life more regularly.

So belief is the second step in creating miracles.

3.  ASK with FEELING.  The third step in gain access to miracles is to ask for them.  Ask in prayer for what you feel you want deeply.

If you do not want the miracles deeply it probably cannot be birthed into your reality for it takes a huge amount of energy to birth a miracle.

The energy comes from feelings.

Don’t forget your feelings are the most important, powerful spiritual force you have.

You can gain anything with access to your feeling nature directed towards miracles.

Miracles are there for you every day.

See it.

Say it.

Feel it.

This is the process to gain access to the miraculous each and every day.

Miracles are there for you.  Just ask.


Spirit Medium Laura channeling The Ones.