How to Develop a Charismatic Personality! It feels really great to finally find and be yourself. Who knew developing charisma could be such fun!
DO YOU HAVE CHARISMA? How to Develop a Charismatic Personality and Get What You Want in Life!
The way to Develop a Charismatic Personality and GET WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE is to finally find and be yourself.
Do you do exactly what other people do? Or do you try to find out what is right for you, what feels right and do that?
It is not always easy to be yourself, unless you are the kind of person that just must do this.
Usually artist types breath being authentic, but alas, the masses usually thrive by hiding in the crowd.
So the first quality you must have to be charismatic and get what you want in life is to be totally, completely and utterly yourself.
I was just watching a commercial for I-Phones. Apple has made a huge success of feeding on the need for people to conform.
Do you tend to buy the “name” brands so you look cool, with it, or maybe it just feels right to do so?
This is a quality of NOT having charisma. Charisma comes by forging your own unique path.
A rough example of this is the following Rather than having an I-Phone, a charismatic individual would sense what feels right for them, then have that.
Maybe they like Apple’s watch, but prefer a Google Smart Phone.
If you met this person, you might find this unique decision charismatic.
So how do you go about listening to your heart more to extract from it your uniqueness, your creative expression, your true essence?
This is very important for your development as a soul. Those who hide behind what others are doing, lack charisma and spiritual empowerment.
Being a conformist is FEAR in action. Being unique is LOVE.
The soul wants to express through you and does so by being its unique expression through you.

Each person has come to earth with a Dharma, a special contribution to make that is uniquely theirs. If you are hiding in the crowd and not following your inner dream, what speaks to you on a daily basis of desire, woulda’s, coulda’s, shoulda’s, then you are not following your Dharma, Destiny, Soul Contracts.
So the first step to have more charisma is to do what you LOVE!
Gosh, isn’t that a great idea? Every day sit with pen and pad, allowing your innermost self to express its desires to you.
Listen to it. Listen to what you want. Then take ACTION! JUST DO IT!
You can write a couple of Affirmations, Mantras and prayers to back this desire as great ammunition to get going, but the most important thing here is to hear yourself, then be yourself, do what you love or desire!
One of the traps the FOLLOWER has in this process is truly knowing what they want. A person that LACKS CHARISMA, lacks a connection to their inner intuitive voice which speaks to them about what feels right to them.
The only way out of this is to pursue what you THINK you want. By doing this, what you really want will eventually surface.
I had a client session the other day with a young man of 18. He wanted to know if he had “Made the right decision.”
Spirit said, “Yes, you have made the right decision, because it will help you eventually make the right CHOICE.”
This simple statement was loaded with meaning. When we make a decision, even if it is not our true essence, it can help us explore what is wrong for us, until we can find what is right.
Over time we learn the “feeling,” behind what is right for us, perhaps through a series of decisions. Then we can CHOOSE better and live more consciously.
So for today your assignment is to make a decision about what you really want in your life on a big scale. Then create your ammunition. Create an affirmation for it, a mantra to use in mindful activities and finally a prayer to use when you feel stuck.
After using your ammunition you are prepared to take action, to begin to work on this decision.
If it does not feel “right” as you go through the steps, you will then be able to find what does feel right for you.
What feels right for you is your CHARISMA, your purpose, your Dharma and finally your JOY!
The JOY Secret is the steps mentioned above and is How to Develop a Charismatic Personality and Get What You Want in Life at a deep, soul level!
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura HERE.