HOW TO REPLACE KNEE CARTILAGE NATURALLY. It is possible with supplements, diet, exercise and mental visualization to replace knee cartilage.
Besides stem cell therapy there are medically proven ways to replace knee cartilage without knee replacement surgery.
I have had significant pain in my hips and knees. Over time using the right physical therapy, nutritional supplements, anti inflammatory dietary insights, using knee support braces at needed times, taking scientifically proven anti aging nutraceuticals and creative visualization I have been able to return almost to normal!
I remember a girlfriend of mine in ballet class saying to me, “There is no way to replace cartilage after it is gone.” She was hobbling around in pain at the time from a damaged knee.
But this is NOT true! Most people think when they have knee pain they need to take toxic prescription medications, and begin the countdown to surgery.
There is so much that can be done to avoid surgery. Here is an article written by a Medical Doctor which explains that it is possible for the body to grow back its cartilage! Go HERE.
HOW TO REPLACE KNEE CARTILAGE NATURALLYThe plan is simple, practical, non invasive, fairly easy and readily available to avoid knee replacement. Everyone should try this first and look at surgery as the least desirable approach to knee problems.
1. Take daily supplements that contains chondroitin, glucosamine, MSM. Here is one similar to what I take.
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2. Take anti inflammatory supplements. You need to take a high quality Omega 3s supplement similar to this.
[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B01GV4O37E” locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]
3. Eat an Anti inflammatory diet (mostly vegetables). Inflammation causing joint swelling, which causes misalignment in the joint which in turn wears away cartilage.
An anti inflammatory diet is based on plants, green vegetables, fruits, complex (whole) carbohydrates, legumes, nuts, seeds. Garnish only with dairy and animal foods.
If you read “The Blue Zones,” you will learn more about the benefits of how societies that eat an anti-inflammatory diet have the highest concentrations of healthy centenarians.
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Here is a video on this.
4. Exercise daily. Do daily physical therapy to support and align your joints. They are failing because the muscles around them are no longer supportive from lack of use and aging. Do resistance exercises that strengthen the gluteous maximus, abdominal muscles, thighs and calves surrounding and supporting joints. Here is a book on this.
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Here is a video on this.
5. Use supportive knee brace when needed. I usually wear them when I do strenuous exercise of any sort. This will help the knee repair itself, without re-injuring it. Here is a knee brace similar to what I use.
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6. Visualize your joints being healthy every day. Do a five to ten minute healing visualization in which you see your joints properly aligned in the joint and supported by muscles, cartilage and fluid. Create an affirmation (positive statement) to go with this such as “My joints are perfectly aligned, supported and healthy.”
Here is a video on this.
7. Take an anti aging nutriceutical. I know you may think this not possible, but Harvard research has recently proven a way to repair damaged DNA so we live healthily to our maximum potential.
Since I began taking this supplement I have noticed increased physical stamina, energy, faster healing of skin wounds and lessening of joint pain. I take the supplement developed called NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide, derived from Niacin, Vitamin B3.)
Here is a short video introducing you to these concepts.
For more help and information this you can schedule a private session with Spirit Medium Laura, Certified Health Coach, at