How to TRUST Everything Is Going to Be OK. You’ve handed it up, yet you still are in the middle of a mess. Trust is the remedy.
How to TRUST Everything Is Going to Be OK. Below you will be given the Gift of Trust. Read on.
You know the drill. You Let Go, then Let God. You asked for peace with the issue you have in life, the thing you want to manifest. You worked on having faith, and felt you had it.
However, what it is you desire still did not come to you!
Ugh! This can be so frightening, infuriating and stressful.
It can seem like you are living your life without help from God. You feel alone, abandoned, disadvantaged, hurt and perhaps at the edge of a cliff.
How the heck can you trust everything is going to be ok, when nothing is ok?
I know, I know, I know. I have been there and am still there at times, but I am getting better with this.
This morning a huge survival issue crept up for me again. My investment portfolio, long an area of stress for me, resurfaced the same negative pattern.
After asking for peace in the area of money, having faith, letting go, then letting God, I set my portfolio up in a faithful sort of way way.
Then the investment climate immediately reversed and went against me!
This was a consistent pattern I had created over a period of twenty years. No matter what I did, the pattern continued.
I am laughing at this, it is so bizarre, the pattern so fixed and so frightening.
As I sat this morning feeling rather weak in the knees from fear, I heard a voice in my head, “Trust, learn to trust.”
Ugh! “How many things am I going to learn, already!” my adolescent mind charged rebelliously against the message.
But just as I rebelled, I began to feel peaceful.
A wave of comfort passed over me. I knew this was my Divine Beings speaking to me about Trust, to learn how to Trust the process.
They did not mean to trust my investing decisions. They meant to trust the process I had followed which led to my decisions.
If you follow a “Trust Process,” you will always be abundant in the long term.
Later the same day, the investment climate reversed again, but this time in support of my most studied financial decisions!
Perhaps I finally learned how to be peaceful, let go, let God, have faith, ask in prayer and trust, gaining release from a karmic pattern my soul created for my growth.
Abundance is a package deal.
You cannot have peace without faith. You cannot have faith without trust. You cannot have abundance without any of these.
Forget about manifesting. Begin to be peaceful, have faith and TRUST!
The Kingdom of God will be upon you! I know this may sound a bit biblical coming from my lips, but consider this.
This is not me speaking. This is divine presence speaking through me.

Here is some direct channeling from Divine Presence.
“Hello dear ones. We have come today to greet you in your sadness and in your light.
Your day of reckoning is upon you. No longer can you live in sadness, in grief and in loss.
It is time now for you to learn to LET GO, LET GOD and SURRENDER!
It is up to us to bring you the message. It is up to you to hear the message.
We can speak from now until there is no longer anyone to hear us, however, it is not us that can make this happen. It must be you.
Each of you needs to learn the power of Trust in your own life. Without belief that everything is happening for a reason, that you have created your lessons for a cause, that is perfect, without this belief, you will have nothing.
When we say “no thing,” we mean you will not have gotten the get from loss, the loss you have created for your growth, your edification and your karma.
Your Karma is a good thing. You have created it from your actions so you can grow through it. Your Karma is not PUNISHMENT for wrong doing.
Your Karma is created automatically by you from spiritual law. Spiritual law is there in place for your growth.
When you grow you become of higher vibration, you move from fear to love.
So choose LOVE! Choose your higher vibration.
Learn to TRUST that you are in a process of becoming something greater than before, something more magical, mystical and majestic.
You my dear friends are LOVE itself!
You are a part of the God head, the force from evil to good, from not knowing to having, from false to secure.
You are special.
In the knowing you are special, you know you are gifted, gifted from God.
We are one with this Oneness. Yes, we are the Ones.
We invite you to become ONE with this Oneness. Join us on our perch. We would like to guide you from separateness to oneness to enjoy the power of one.
The Power of One means you have TRUST! You know everything happens for a reason and YOU ARE THAT REASON!
You have chosen to come to earth to suffer, to learn to grow.
You can now skip the suffering!
This time on earth is when the suffering can be released through TRUST!
Trust is everything my dear friends. Trust is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
When you TRUST that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK you have Let Go of the Shackles of Fear and Entered the Kingdom of LOVE.
Love is all there is truly. Love is all there is.
We are happy to tell you this.
There is nothing to fear, not even physical death. For LOVE in the end will be where you go, which is much greater than your earth mind can ever imagine.
Imagine gay filled and glee. This is the Kingdom of LOVE.
Now whilst on earth we would like to give you a gift to learn to TRUST.
When you are fearful and do not Trust, we would like you to say to yourself, “I am TRUST.”
Now that we have given you the gift of the idea of TRUST it is in you for dispensing when needed.
Simply ask yourself to pull out the gift of TRUST which now resides within your psyche for the asking.
TRUST will then be dispensed to your heart immediately.
Yes, TRUST, is not of the HEAD. TRUST is of the HEART!
The Ones Channeled through Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura at
Further Reading . . .
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