The feats trained physical mediums can achieve are so fantastic; many times they are challenged as fraud. Levitation, materialization of physical object and spirit card writing on blank cards locked in a box with no one touching them, are not experiences we are trained to accept as real.
The feats trained physical mediums can achieve are so fantastic; many times they are challenged as fraud. Levitation, materialization of spirit form and spirit card writing on blank cards locked in a box, are not experiences we are trained to accept as real.

“Laura, look what I got from Lily Dale,” my mother chirped to me in a high lilting voice after her arrival home from the famous spiritualist camp. I was still a teenager, so teasing and taunting my mother was one of my favorite things to do.
She presented a small stone in the shape of a flower. She claimed it had been presented out of a trumpet during a physical mediumship séance she had attended.
“Mom, how can you believe that is real?” I could hardly contain my giggling delight to find yet another opportunity to tease her. My mother just continued totally in rapture at what she had brought home with her.
As I grew older I became more like my mother. I even have taken to chirping in a high lilting voice, at the mysterious things I have experienced.
One of the most dramatic demonstrations of spirit I have ever experienced was a full trance state. I was visiting a friend of mine who lived in a gorgeous apartment in lower Manhattan.
Louis asked if I would bring in his spiritual guide, whom a top medium in New York regularly channeled for him. Not knowing what I was getting into, completely relaxed and open, I asked this guide to come to me.
A huge cloud of energy swooped down upon me from above the right side of my head. My consciousness shrank to a little dot in the upper right side of my vision field. I was remotely aware a conversation was occuring between this spirit and my friend, however, I could not hear it.

The spirit was in complete control of my body. I do not think I could have released myself if I wanted, although I did not try. I simply relaxed into hosting this spirit guest for the duration of their conversation.
When it was over, I was released and came back into the room. It was amazing!
The reason I was able to do this without training is because I had time to be quiet and relax. As well, it seems this is something natural for me to do.
I can’t ski very well. But I can “see” into the world of spirit without much effort.
If you would like to “see” or at least peek into the world of spirit to get your own guidance here are a few pointers.
1. Relaxation and quiet time are important. If you can meditate every day in a quiet place you will begin to open your doorway to spirit guidance.
2. Ask your spiritual guides come to you in a protected space of light and love. They will not come to you if you do not ask. They need permission from you.
3. Receive what is given to you in total acceptance. If you are going to challenge what you receive, your guidance will disappear. Receiving without rejection is extremely important to open your channel.
Communication with spirit is a form of personal empowerment. Ask for it and you will receive.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Law of Attraction Miracle Method, Channeling GodSpeak, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or