The LAW OF ATTRACTION works with the LAW OF NON RESISTANCE. When we are attracting something we do not want, it is because we are resisting a situation in our life we do not like. It goes something like this: what you resist persists. What are you resisting in your life right now? Do you know if you try to handle it, define it, manage it, you remain stuck in it?

Only by handing it up to a higher power can you be relieved of it.
Story: Mary met Mark. Relationship went well until one day Mark (or Mary) started acting very critical of Mary (or Mark). They fought, and fought, and fought, each trying to get the other to act a certain way so they would be happy.
Codependence is a great example of the The LAW OF ATTRACTION working with the LAW OF NON RESISTANCE. Usually when we are embroiled in a relationship that is not working we are trying to get our power from the other person. We are resisting the fact we are responsible for our own happiness, attempting to extract it from someone else.
Until Mark &/or Mary learned to hand this situation to a higher power they remain embroiled in it. What they are resisting, becoming individuated and whole, attracts what they do not want, a broken relationship.
What you resist persists.
LAW OF ATTRACTION can use the LAW OF NON RESISTANCE to work better. It starts with release. Here is a simple release combined with a law of attraction exercise to help you get what you want.
Release Exercise.
Recorded on radio show here:
Words here.
1. Think of something that is bothering you terribly.
2. Now image it is a terrible monster in front of you.
3. Imagine a beautiful empty large box next to your monster.
4. On count of three something will happen.
5. Count out loud with me, “1, 2, 3!” PUFF, your monster was just sucked into the box.
6. There is a cover for the box right next to it.
7. Hurry up and cover it.
8. Now hold the box. It is light. Hand it up towards the sky.
9. Notice these angelic hands appear from clouds in the sky to take the box.
10. The box disappears into the clouds.
11. You have handed your problem up to a higher power.
12. You should feel lighter now, quieter, peaceful.
13. Now ask God for what you want in place of your monster. This should be the opposite of your monster. Ask fully, completely with total abandon and total desire! Now say, “Dear God, I thank thee for providing me XXXX now!”
14. Now let it all go. In a few minutes to days something will happen to shift you and your circumstance so that you are free of your monster, and receiving what you asked to receive.
15. Love & blessings, The Archangel Uriel.
For further help with the LAW OF ATTRACTION & LAW OF NON RESISTANCE contact Spirit Medium Laura for an appointment. She can be booked at
Spirit Medium Laura