AM I PSYCHIC? Find here a brief exercise to begin channeling, a gateway to your psychic gifts and to find out if you are psychic.
AM I PSYCHIC? An Exercise to Discover How Psychic You Are
Even if you are VERY psychic it could take years to develop into a full blown medium.
I began CHANNELING accurate messages from spirit spontaneously over 30 years ago, have been a life long student and practitioner of metaphysical arts & wisdom? Yet, even with a natural proclivity it took many, many years before I developed into an evidential clairvoyant medium & psychic.
These skills can take time, use and dedication to develop.
AM I PSYCHIC? So if you are wondering if you are psychic it is important to understand the different ways it presents before going to the test below.
CHANNELING. Channeling can bring in the consciousness of guides and angels. This advice is usually more generic in nature and not customized to you directly. When all I did was channel, it was primarily a hearing of information. I would ask for my “guardian angel” to come in, feel an energy connect with me, then allow that energy to speak through me. It was fun and fascinating, but did have it’s limits as far as psychic perception went.
Over time I developed further. I began to bring in messages for others. As they asked me questions my channeling turned into evidential clairvoyant mediumship & psychic counseling . I began to “see” more. I discovered I could “see” an aura, “read” a chakra, heal from it.
My years of studying metaphysical wisdom came into play. A book was channeled through me with a system for healing the heart and soul to great life abundance.
This book is called Soul Abundance. You can get an intro video about it by joining our mailing list on sidebar.
I discovered I could “see” remote locations, hear and send people telepathic messages, “see” dead people, speak with them telepathically, “see” inside of a person’s body for medical advice.
The list just kept growing allowing me to see how much I had grown from when first I was simply channeling.
I discovered I could be VERY USEFUL to people trying to find answers.

AM I PSYCHIC? Channeling exercise to find out if you are psychic.
- Take out a pen and pad.
- Relax. Uncross your arms and legs. Focus on your breath as you breath abdominally 3 times.
- Ask for your “guardian angel” to step forward in love & light.
- Ask a question. Wait for answer. Write down exactly what you hear, see or feel. This is the beginning of opening to channeling.
- AM I PSYCHIC? If the answers come easily to you this means you are very psychic. If you have to strain to get an answer, perhaps your psychic voice is hidden under your intellect.
- One is not better than the other. If it is not easy for you to begin hearing answers this simply means this life time you have chosen to focus on developing through intellect rather than intuition.
- The more psychic you are the easier this will be, however, even the most left brained intellectual person would be able to begin to open their intuitive voice if this were done on a regular basis. Enjoy!
Join our mailing list on sidebar to get FREE introductory videos to the SOUL PSYCHIC HEALER training courses. JOIN on SIDEBAR.
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