EDGAR CAYCE: Medical Clairvoyance Can Save You Money. Just imagine for a moment if there were a medical scanner that could “predict” impending illness before you got it. There is. It is called Medical Clairvoyance.
It is possible to “see” into the body of a client. The other day I was working with a wonderful regular client of mine. He asked if I would check his body out medically just to see if there were any areas of concern.

As I scanned his body, I could “see” under his left arm pit swollen lymph nodes. There were only three that were swollen but spirit started to tell me something about his health. He was eating foods which caused his body to be more acidic than base in PH. This, I was told by spirit can create a good enviroment for disease, in particular cancer, to form.
Here is an article which provides evidence behind the claims in this article. The article discusses how an acid PH to the body can produce kidney stones and how meats are in the acid category. Go HERE.
I was also told by his guides that there was a cancer scare in his family. My client revealed that indeed his mother died of cancer, and his older brother had a serious melanoma removed about a year earlier. Spirit said cancer is something that runs in his family and he needed to be extemely careful with his body.
EDGAR CAYCE: Medical Clairvoyance Can Save You Money
As I continued to scan his body I was told he had frequent urinary track infections, that there was something of a crystalline nature that his body produced, due to acid, that caused pain when he tried to urinate.
He confirmed this was true. This was an ongoing weakness of his body to produce kidney stones which had difficulty passing.
Spirit told him it was because of the acide his body was producing. His body produced the acide because he emphasized “flesh” over “plant” foods. He was to change the ratio to 1/4 flesh to 3/4 plant foods for the sake of balancing his body’s PH and avoiding disease.
EDGAR CAYCE: Medical Clairvoyance Can Save You Money
This is a story which illustrates how a medical clairvoyant can help you with your own health.
For further information and/or to book an appointment with Laura go to this link HERE.