SPIRIT GUIDES: How to Meet Yours. I had the pleasure of meeting my own spirit guides, without asking. While still a small child, as I fell asleep at night, I would slip into a slower brain wave state. This is the brain wave state many out of body travelers try to induce.
GET TRAINING. Attend LIVE training on Channeling and how to meet your spirit guides HERE. Self paced video training about Channeling and how to meet your spirit guides is HERE. FREE introductory training can be obtained by joining my mailing list at upper right of this screen.
I would hear the sound of a party getting louder and louder until finally it was almost deafening. When that happened suddenly a switch to quiet would occur. Then I would start to see and sense people and my spirit guides.

One was a nice man. I knew he was benevolent and familiar. The others were strangers to me. Each quite distinct, just like grown ups I’d seen on earth, strange, funny and NOT invited.
I was just a little girl of about 3 years old, terrorized, alone in my bedroom. Now I know what was happening.
After speaking to those who have trained at the Monroe Institute to have OBE (out of body experiences), I have learned this is the “party sound.” That sound is brought about through specific brain entrainment, which slows down brain wave state. When this happens combined with a couple of other steps, you can move to another dimension.
So I had met my spirit guide without trying. Ugh! Not exactly what a 3 year old girl wants, but hey, what can I tell ya’?
This is probably why I, at around 30 years old, was told by a psychic reader in upper Manhattan that my spirit guides were trying to come through. I again hadn’t asked them. But there they were lurking in the background. It is so ludicrous as I think about this now, I want to laugh.
So I went home and asked them to come through and come through they did. I have been a vocal full trance channel ever since. Most of the time I channel semi conscious though.
So how do you meet your spirit guides? The best way is through meditation. The more you train your brain to slow down it’s waves, the more likely you will be able to meet your spirit guides.
One other ingredient is absolutely necessary, as well. You have to ASK they come in. If you do not ask, your guides will not come to you. (Remember to always ask they come in love and light, as you are opening a portal to everything and anything.)
When my spirit guides came to me as a young adult, I had a quiet time in my life. I was between jobs so had no where to run in the morning. This allowed my brain waves to naturally slow down.
Here is a simple exercise to start to open to meet your spirit guides.
1. Every day take a 10 to 15 minute minimum meditation preferably in the morning. There are many on youtube.com but remember to choose one that makes you feel very relaxed and sleepy.
2. Pull out a journal. Begin to write questions you have about your life, the universe, whatever.
3. Wait for the answers.
4. Soon you will begin to get them! Yes, it will feel as if someone else is sitting with you offering you dictation. These are your spirit guides.
5. When you are ready you can ask for their names, what they look like and so on.
GET TRAINING. Attend LIVE training on Channeling and how to meet your spirit guides HERE. Self paced video training about Channeling and how to meet your spirit guides is HERE. FREE introductory training can be obtained by joining my mailing list at upper right of this screen.
Spirit Medium Laura