During the Death Mediumship Workshop the first soul that presented was an elderly man. He showed me himself in his bathroom wearing a bathrobe over his bare chest and trunks.
His hair was mostly bald on the top, but still had some salt and pepper fuzziness on the sides. He had a large stomach.
He showed me himself coughing up blood and sputum. He had been a smoker when on earth.

I asked the room who this could be and a woman raised her hand, starting to cry. This was her “soul mate.”
Then he went through the dying process explaining how he passed at home, with his girl friend who sat in the room with us this day. She held his hand at passing he said. All confirmed.
His body stayed still when he passed as if he was sleeping, his soul leaving his body easily and quickly. He went right into the tunnel of light.
The tunnel of light was quite vibrant for him. He showed me a wild tunnel like the eye of a tornado. He was in the center surrounded by lights and energy.
It did not feel like he was moving as much as he was surrounded by this dynamic luminous experience.
When he arrived at his location there were various family members there to greet him. He was happy to be rejoined with his mother in particular.
He went right into his life review out in the open. His mother and father stayed with him as did his two spiritual guides.
The main thing he learned in this past lifetime was to be kinder to and love himself more. He neglected himself for many years while on earth. His girlfriend confirmed this.
One of the things he did not develop in himself while on earth was his interest in music. He had always neglected this gift and interest. (Confirmed.) He showed me himself in his final place playing a saxophone.
His girlfriend said he loved the piano, but also big band music. It is possible, then, playing a wind instrument like the Saxophone illustrated not only a spiritual but, as well, a physical healing as he died of a lung problem.
There were other souls that came through. Here is a summary of what they taught us from their life reviews.
1. Be kind to yourself during your life.
2. You will love others better if you love yourself first.
3. Take more time to play.
4. Do the things you love to do just for yourself.
5. This life on earth is just as important as life in the spirit world.
SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS.: Another soul presented for a different reason.
An unexpected soul presented who was the son of an attendee’s friend. He had committed suicide in his early 20s due to a major loss in his life at that time. (All confirmed.)
The reason he appeared was to tell his mother he is still alive in the spirit world. Afterwards, the attendee told me every time she is around a medium, the son comes through, trying to give his mother this message.
His mother still refuses to go see a medium.
Have a wonderful, LOVE filled day!